The Protector's Entrance

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A groan escaped said girl's mouth, as she forced her heavy eyes open. What met her was a blurry image, forcing her to blink repeatedly to rid of the haze blocking her sight. In front of her a teen towered, with blond hair and a tall height.

"F-Felix?" Marinette muttered, whilst she squinted at her friend questioningly.

"Yes, it's me," he responded, soon sighing in relief when a spark of recognition flashed through Marinette's eyes.

"Where are we?"

The young woman absentmindedly rubbed at the side of her neck, where a stinging pain emanated from.

"At the top of the Eiffel Tower," Felix answered. "I'm not sure what happened, but I think an akuma brought us here."

Gazing around, Marinette took in the metal beams and railings surrounding her, along with the cold steel wall she was propped up against.

"Yeah, that must have been it. The last thing I remember was..."

Staring off into the distance, she felt tears rise up to the rims of her eyes, and soon a hand take a hold of her shoulder. It pulled her into a vested chest, that she buried her head into as soothing motions were stroked onto her back.

"It's okay," Felix mumbled. "We'll find a way out and get back at them, don't worry."


"No, Marinette," he cut in with, yet his tone was still soft and caring. "That was the last straw. Spreading rumours to the school was one thing, but spreading it to your parents? I won't let her do that again."

Letting out a resigned sniffle, Marinette nodded. "Okay," she croaked. "But what if she gets akumatized again?"

"She won't," he assured, pulling back to meet her gaze. "We'll get back at her in public. That'll stop Lila from purposely taking an akuma unless she wants to out herself."

Before the female could reply, a strange noise was heard in the distance - reminiscent of the resident hero Ladybug's own yo-yo.

Scanning about, Marinette caught sight of the elevator leading to the lower floors of the Eiffel Tower. Smiling, though it was more of a grimace if anything, she grabbed Felix's hand in hers, and dragged him to where it was.

As they stepped foot into it, the zipping sound only got louder, until it stopped for a short moment. Following came the hush landing of a figure, who's cape faced the duo's direction.

The friends froze, still holding onto each other, whilst the person ahead whipped their head back and forth in search. They were visibly confused. That was when they brought a gun into their visions, that had an orange glow shining within.

"Oh," Marinette breathed. "That's the akuma."

Pressing the lowest button nearby, a quiet beep sounded in the silent atmosphere from it.

The figure snapped their head back.

"Crap, crap, crap, crap!" she freaked, which only got more panicked when the villain sprinted towards the shutting doors. Felix pushed her behind him protectively.

"Stop!" the male's muffled voice was heard to shout. "I promise I won't hurt you, my Angel, my Moon. I only want to protect you."

The girl paused in pushing the elevator door buttons.

"Damian?" Felix and Marinette realised aloud.

Memories flashed through their minds, all revolving around the regular customer at Tom and Sabine's bakery. The customer with the same nicknames that the akuma had just called them.

"Come out, my loves," he calmly coaxed. "I know what has been happening at school to you both. How that fox has been spreading lies and false truths about you. How you've been bullied by your own classmates. Well I have a surprise for you both, and you'll love it, I'm sure."

Sending a frantic look to Felix, she saw him nod, prompting her to open up her purse while he indicated for the elevator to escalate. A red kwami zipped out, taking in the scene, before flying up to her owner's face.

"You have to transform!"

"On it," Marinette enthused as the floor lowered downwards. "Tikki, spots on!"

Pink flashed around, leaving a spotted heroine in red and black. She pulled out her yo-yo, spinning it experimentally, as they became closer to ground level.

"Get to safety," Ladybug commanded to her friend. "I'll capture the akuma with the help of Chat Noir when he comes."

"Right," Felix said. "Just stay safe, okay?"

A light rouge flushed on her cheeks. "O-Of course!" she squeaked. "I, I'll get Dami back, I promise."

At the mention of Damian, the boy's face became hard again. "Yes. Save our Star."

She nodded.

"I'll bring him back," Marinette smiled, watching the elevator doors open with a ping.

Only, she was surprisingly met with the sight of an akuma, a black cat, and a shrilly screaming liar around the tower's base.

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