♡ 6 - close

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"No, why should I?" Alejandro asked and furrowed his brows.

"Fine whatever" Mattia said.

"Come girls, it's big enough space for everyone" Alejandro said and leaned back on the bedframe.

Katie and I looked at each other and smiled.

Alejandro sat on the side, and Katie layed down beside him. I layed down beside Katie, so it was one spot for Mattia beside me.

Mattia layed down beside me.

I could smell his perfume. Bro, he smelled so good.

"This movie is good" Alejandro said and opened a random movie.

Everyone was into the movie, well except Mattia.
He was on Snapchat, and his snap log was just a bunch of girls.

I looked at his screen from the corner of my eye.

He wrote something to every one of them.
He opened his newest snap and oh shit.

A nude.

I looked at the TV screen again and I saw Mattia smirking from the corner of my eye.

He took a selfie while he smirked and wrote:
Mattia: "🥵 😍send more bby"

What is this boy doing?
The movie was done and Alejandro low-key had his arm around Katie, but she didn't notice.

"When are mom and Giacomo coming home?" I asked Mattia.

"They aren't. Dad is on business trip and he brought your mom since she started at his job" Mattia said, not even looking at me.

"Okay, thanks" I said.

So mom hadn't plan on telling me?

"I should go, mom wants me to pick up my sister from school. But it was nice" Katie said.

"I can join you, if you want to?" Alejandro said.

"Sure", I saw the light in Katie's eyes.

"See you later bro, see you y/n " Alejandro said and walked out.

"Bye see you" Katie said and followed Alejandro.
I waved back, same with Mattia.

"I guess I should go to my room then" I told Mattia.

"As you should" Mattia answered.

I rolled my eyes and got up and out the door.

"Close the door" Mattia said.

I pretended I didn't hear him.

"y/n!" Mattia screamed after me and I slammed my door locked.

He stormed in and before I could sit down he dragged my arm and pushed me on my door and closed it.

"Why do you have this attitude, y/n?" Mattia whispered.

It sendt shivers down my spine.

I was choking on my own words.
"I-Im n-"
"Yes, you are y/n".

I scanned his face.
His hazel eyes and filled lips.
His hair was messy but it looked good on him.

"Im not. This is how you are towards me, im just the same towards you"

Mattia licked between his lips and leaned closer to my ear.
"You have to stop with this attitude" Mattia whispered.

I swallowed hard.

I pushed him off me and opened the door, and pushed him out the door, before I leaned my head close to him.

"Make me" I said and closed the door.

It was morning and Mattia said yes to give me a ride to school.
"I still cant sit in the front can I?" I asked.
"Why do you want it that much?" he said while opening his door.

"It's not so fun to sit in the back when the front is empty, you know?"

"Fine but shut up, I do not tolerate your voice".

I smiled and opened the door to the passenger seat.

The ride to school was quiet. When we arrived, he went his own way and so did I.

I went to my lockers, or I was on my way until someone crashed into me.

"Watch where your going, bitch" a high pitched voice said.

I looked up and it was that bitch Mattia brought home 2 days ago.

"You should too" I answered her.

"Excuse me? Did you just answer me back?" Amanda said.

"Why, no one ever answers you?".

A group of people started to laugh and look at us.
Amanda's dogs stood behind her.

"You should watch your mouth, you don't know what im capable of doing" Amanda said.

"Ha-ha right. What's next? Your going to tell me that you will make my life a living hell and expect me to me scared of you? Yeah that's just clichè im not falling for that" I told her before I walked away and dulted against her shoulder with my shoulder.

"Your going to regret it!" her voice yelled after me.

"Sure" I flipped her off and went to my locker.

"Are you okay?" A familiar voice asked me as I took out my books.


"Yes, why shouldn't I?"

"No it's just Amanda, she's just bad vibes that's all".

"Yeah true, thanks for asking though, im fine" I said and closed my locker.

We started to walk together.

"Math?" Kairi asked.

"Yes, what about you?".

"By the way, all the boys saw what happened. They think your tough for standing up against her. No one ever did, as I remember" Kairi added.

"Thank you I guess. Im just not into that mean-girl thing where a girl drags all the other girls down just because she's more popular".

"Yeah girls should drag each other up, not down" Kairi said.

What a king.

"You're absolutely right" I answered him.

♡ stepbrother; Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now