The Test

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It's been about two weeks since Ryan and I have talked. In those two weeks, Mak questioned me roughly twenty three times about what happened 'that Friday night'. It got to the point I couldn't stand her constant begging and finally gave in. At first she had mixed feelings. She couldn't tell if she was happy for me that I actually had sex or mad that I actually had sex. Sure, Mak isn't unexperienced with sex, but hearing that I did it surprised her.

After the initial shock, she asks me lots of questions. "How was it?" "Was he good?" "OMG was Ryan Parker, you know, big?" She asks with wide eyes. My face scrunched up at the last question and I refuse to answer any of them. "Ew I don't know, I don't really remember anything!" I tell her.

"You were drunk??" She exclaims. I meekly nod my head as she asks me another personal question.

"I know since you aren't very involved in boys as I am, but I have to ask. Are you on the pill?" I look at her confused and she takes that as a no. "Oh babe, did you at least use protection?" Again, I don't know how to answer her question because I honestly don't remember.

"Okay, that's not good. I feel like you should at least just take a pregnancy test just to make sure because you don't -"

"No no absolutely not. I know I'm not pregnant. There's no way!" I say, probably more to me than to her. I try to remember if I had any signs of early pregnancy and I can't think of any- no no no. "Mak, on Monday, my mom made eggs and as I walked downstairs, I smelled them cooking and started getting a stomach ache. I shook it off thinking I was getting sick or something. What if I'm actually pregnant?" I start panicking and my voice starts quivering.

"Oh honey don't freak out, that might not mean anything. Some days if I smell eggs my stomach starts hurting too. But I feel that you should get a pregnancy test as soon as possible and tell your mom just in case so maybe-"

"Absolutely not. I am not telling my mom. She'll never look me in the eyes again." Mak looks disappointed but understands. "She'll find out eventually B. Just take it into consideration please." I nod my head but I barely understood what she just said. Millions of thoughts were going through my head and I couldn't stop them.

I finally decided that the best thing was to go get a test. It couldn't hurt, plus there's no way I'm pregnant, right?

"Okay, let's go."

"If anyone looks at you weird or questions us, I'll tell them it's for me." She says with a sad smile on her face. How did I end up with such a caring, and loving best friend like Makayla? Honestly, someone please tell me.

I give her a small smile as she stands up and gives me her hand. I take it gently and we begin to make our way downstairs.

"First Response, ClearBlue, First Signal, Equate," I mumbled to myself as my hands ran along the pregnancy boxes. Why do they have so many choices?

God, is my life so messed up that I have to go buy a pregnancy test at 17 years old? I'm really hoping I'm not pregnant. How would I tell Ryan? No, I'm not going to tell Ryan. It's one of his concern. But my family, Jesus please help me.

I look at Mak for her opinion and she picks up the box 'First Response' because it was the cheapest. We make our way over to a checkout lane. She places the box on the conveyer belt and we patiently wait until the person in front of us is done paying.

"Thank you, and have a nice day!" The worker told the lady in front of me as she was picking up her bags. She gave a small 'thank you' and looked over at me and Mak and the item we were buying. She just rolls her eyes, scowls and says something along the lines of 'Stupid teenagers. Do their parents even care about them enough to tell them not to have sex before they're married?'

"Excuse me? Did you say something?" Mak accuses the lady. The lady looks back at us, obviously not thinking that we'd hear her, and scrunches her face up. She totally ignores Mak as she collects the last of her bags and walks out of the drugstore. That's one thing I'm envious of Mak: her ability to call people out.

Betsy, the worker, rings up my box.

"9.12 sweetheart," she says in a sympathetic kind of way. I gave her a small smile and handed her a ten dollar bill.

After she gave me my change, I shoved it in my pocket while she bags up my pregnancy test.

Before she hands me my bag, she tells me something.

"Baby girl, don't worry about what other people think. Everything is gonna be all right, okay? Everything works out for a reason." And with that, she handed me the brown paper bag and came from behind the counter to give me a hug. I hugged her back and she gave me a small smile. I returned it and made my way to Mak's car parked outside.

Once I get inside, I throw the bag in the back and Mak starts her car. The ride back to my house was silent. Mak didn't bring up anything and I'm grateful for that.

As she pulls into my driveway, I notice that my mom and Ash still weren't home. Where the hell were they?

I open my door and walk up to my front door. Unlocking it, I make my way inside. I leave it open for Mak, but run up my stairs with the brown paper bag clutched to my chest like a lifeline.

After I did what the instructions say to do, I slowly open my bathroom door and find Mak sitting on my bed reading one of my People magazines. The instructions say to wait three minutes before getting the result: one line means you're not pregnant and two lines means you are.

"I'm so scared." Makayla looks up at me and immediately puts the magazine down. She walks over to where I'm standing and hugs me. I think that is the best thing she could've done for me at that moment. No small talk. No nothing. Just a hug. And I'm forever grateful for her.

After the agonizing three minutes is up, I finally got enough courage to look at the stick.

Please don't be pregnant, please don't be pregnant I mutter to myself over and over.

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