Wild Child

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"Sit still. Damn it B. You keep squirming." What you are experiencing is Makayla viciously pulling my hair in every direction and tying it so tight I can already feel a headache coming on. Perfect. 

"I'm trying. It doesn't help that you're going all WWE on my hair. It's like the divas trying to fight for the Diva's Belt." Makayla looks at me in the mirror with an eyebrow raised and I know that I should shut up. Her gaze goes from me to my eyelash curler and a wicked grin appears on her face. Oh my.

Let me tell you a little something about my best friend. She has beach-blonde wavy hair and gorgeous tan skin. I've known her since Kindergarten and we met the first day at lunch. She didn't have chips so I shared some with her and we've been close ever since. She has an older brother named Rick who's like 30 something. In high school, he was the star of the surf team and has a ton of trophies and medals hung up in his room. He's married to some girl named Heather and they live up in Oregon with their three kids. They visit occasionally, but it's usually only for special events or emergencies. Her parents, Chris and Sunne, are the epitome of "hippy/surfer parents". Mak's room reflects their personality exactly - all the way to her surfboard in the corner of her room. Growing up in Malibu, her parents were always the 'stay loose' 'do whatever you want, come home whenever you want' type; the complete opposite of mine. When we'd go to the beach, my mom would tell me to be home at a certain time and hers, well, whenever she felt like it. It's not like it bothered me or anything, I just wished my mom would loosen the reins a bit and let me stay out later. Mak also has a little corgi named Dug who looks exactly like the dog from Up.

"Close your eyes." She tells me in a voice that leaves no room for arguing.

We make small talk for a while until she finishes my makeup. Dug comes in every once in a while, sniffs around, let's me pet him and leaves. That's just Dug though, he never really sticks around.

"Perfect!" Makayla says as she finishes off my blush with a flick of her wrist and sets down her teal-colored brush.

"B, you can open your eyes now."

I'm hesitant to open my eyes so I try to delay it for as long as possible.

"Any day would be nice," She tells me, obviously getting impatient. Curiosity finally gets the best of me and I open one eye at a time.

As cliché as it sounds, I hardly recognize the girl in the mirror. The girl before would cringe at what she sees. But this girl... loves it.

She gave me slightly pinked cheeks, smokey eyes that made my hazel eyes pop, and eyeliner on both my top and bottom eyelids. On the top, she added a wing that flared out beautifully. And finally, she added bright red lipstick.

"Okay, I laid out an outfit for you on my bed. Let me just go grab a snack, and by the time I get back, you should be done dressing, yeah?" She asks me, already making her way out the door.

"Yes, just please tell me you didn't go overboard on my outfit and make it slut-?" But before I could finish, she's already walked out of the room and closed the door. I sigh and make my way over to her bed, picking up the dress and putting it on. Why'd she have to pick out a dress for me? I would've been perfectly content with a nice top and jeans like she suggested, but you know. Makayla always finds a way to take you out of your comfort zone.

I finish zipping up the side of my dress and look at myself in her full-length mirror, and I have to admit; I was hesitant at first with wearing a dress, but it is gorgeous. It is a tight, black, mid-thigh lace covered dress. Not only that, but it's backless, and has a halter neck. I didn't even know Makayla owned this!

If I had to be completely honest with myself, I would say that if I looked in a mirror, I wouldn't be able to recognize myself. Still not sure if that's a good or bad thing.

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