Chapter 12

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I knocked on Claude's door.

No answer.

I knocked again, harder.

Still no answer.

He probably wasn't home.

I knocked again, just in case.

The door creaked a fraction of an inch open.

I couldn't just go in. But I had no choice. I was desperate; I had to get back my bracelet.

I slowly tip toed into the room.

The lights were switched off; no one was home.

I quickly ran into the bathroom, not switching on the lights.

I searched for my bracelet in the dark.

No use. I couldn't find it.

Suddenly, I felt something touch my ankle. I froze.

I turned around to find it was a cat.

I stooped down to get a better view.

It meowed.

Awwww! I couldn't resist but to pick it up and cradle it in my arms.

The cat did not flinch, instead it welcomly returned the tiny embrace.

It had a black collar around its neck. It read 'Octavius'.

Must've been his name. A strange name for such a cute little ginger cat.

The lights flashed on.

I let go of the cat in shock.

'What are you doing in my house?' Claude yelled.

'I-I-' I stammered ' I was looking for my bracelet.'


Octavius' meow broke it.

'You mean this one,'he asked getting it out of his pocket and handed it to me 'I was just about to go give it to you. I didn't think you would barge into my apartment looking for it.'

'Hey I didn't barge in, you're door was open!'

'And you didn't have the decency to close it?'

Octavius scratched at Claude's ankle, causing him to break up our little quarrel.

'You're hungry are you?' He said, smiling and picking up the cat.

'I never knew you had a cat,'

'Well there's a lot of things you don't know about me.'

'I know that you're an annoying little prick.'

'I know you you have a fat stomach that jiggles when you walk,'

'No I do not!' I yelled covering my quite lean stomach.

'And you have these long legs that make you look like a crane,'

'Be quiet!'

'And you have that hair that makes you look like you're a homeless witch,'

'Shut UP!'

'And your lips look like they taste like cherries,'

'Hey, be quie- what?!' I raised my eyebrow.

Claude covered his mouth with his hand ' I mean, um, you taste like shit!'

I stood there, staring at him.

'That's not what you said,' I said.

'My tongue slipped. Now when are you planning to get out of here?!'

I got up, still confused on what I'd just heard.

I gave Octavius a little pat on the head before leaving.

(A/N I just had to have a cat in the story! Everyone say hello to Octavius the cat. I guess Claude is a cat person now. Should I include Octavius in any more chapters? Comment what you think and remember to vote! Keep reading and writing people!)

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