Chapter 66

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Fighting in this chapter. Just a heads up for those who don't like gore.

Raven's POV

I start to attack Dillan first. Francis tried holding me back but I shook him off easily.

My fully formed claws dug into the side of Dillan's leg. He cried in pain, but it only gave me more energy to hurt him. Francis got up again and held me from behind.

It was only them two fighting; I'd lost sight of Sam.

He had probably run away while I was busy fighting.

Francis got me in a headlock now and it was hard to breath even if his arm was skinny.

But as soon as I felt it loosen for one split second, I took advantage and and twisted his arm, hearing the crack of his bones break. Finding the right opportunity, I knocked him out as well by bashing his head against the floor.

'W-what?!' Dillan stammered 'But you're supposed to be weak... You can't even kill yet!!...'

'Allen thought that as well,' I start to say 'You'll die in my hands just like he did.'

He clenched his jaw, wiping the blood from his brow. He suddenly pounced at me, his hand wrapped around my throat. With the other, he gets something out his pocket.

Its a small pocket knife.

He point it at my head and shouts 'This one's for Allen!!'

From the corner of my eye, I can see Claude approaching, Dillan from behind, limping a bit, something in his hand as well.

He presses it at the back of Dillan's head, and I can see it's the silver gun Claude gave me for Christmas.

'Oh yeah?' He says to Dillan and his eyes widen as he realizes what's happening. His grip loosens around my throat 'This one's from Claude.'

He begins to pull the trigger.

'Stop!!' Francis shouts, obviously conscious again 'Don't kill him! Let us go and we promise we won't ever bother you!'

'You promised that the last time,' Claude states, shooting Dillan. I felt his blood splattered on me as I closed my eyes. 'You promised you wouldn't hurt them. You promised you wouldn't kill them. But you did.'

He points the gun at Francis now. He starts to cry 'We were told to...' He whimpers 'You don't know Sam, he forces us to... We were only kids, we didn't know...'

'Where's Sam now?'

'I d-dont know! He left us to die!! He...'

Claude shoots.

I open my eyes when it's all done, running to Claude who looks too exhausted to stand now.

He leans on me as we walk out of the warehouse we were in.

'Where do we go now?' I ask, guiding his arm around my shoulder.

'My parents house, everyone's probably there by now,' he replies.

'So is everything normal now?'

'No,' he grins 'The police are after us but it's not like they can do anything to us.'

I smile 'Yeah, I guess so,'

He kisses my forehead 'You did good today, Simmons,' I smile more 'I'm proud of you,'

'You're the one that killed two guys,' I remind him. He starts to laugh.

'I know, but that's 'cause I'm awesome. You've only just become awesome, and only half of my awesomeness at that,'

I give him a light punch and he screams 'Owww!! Just got stabbed here!'

'But you'll heal,' I say, pushing him 'You said so yourself,'

And he pushes me as well, weakly though, then pulling me back and kissing my lips. His hand was rested at the back of my head.

I felt his smile against my lips and mutter 'God, I love you so much Simmons.'

He slowly pulls away, licking his lips.

'Me too, Helston,' I say, holding his hand 'Now let's go home,'

(A/N I'm crying, I really am. What I call my babies, who are actually two 19 year olds way older than me, are finally free from the mean ol' demon hunters! But I kinda feel sorry for killing off Francis, I mean, he didn't really do much but yeah I guess I had to. But Dillan got what he deserved, don't you think? Ya.
Also it breaks my heart (yes I have a heart) to say that this fabric is nearly over! I don't remember if I told you guys that before? Have I told you...? But anyway, it's true.
So just giving some dates:
* The last chapter, the final absolutely last chapter will come out on Friday this week!!!
* I am writing a new book that will be published on Monday next week. The book is called Assassin and if you are interested, please read it!
* The weekend I won't be publishing any more Aren't I Normal? chapters (This Saturday and Sunday) because it would be over (cry cry) I will be publishing new chapters for my other book Homicidal/Suicidal so please read that if you can!!

See you in the next few and last chapters~ )

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