Beauty Within

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Beauty Within

We've lived, loved, and lost

We gained, grown, and given all we have

We've loved, and we've lost

I have experienced all I can from this life

But to the youth of today I ask a simple question

Why punish those individuals... why show cruelty to those whom we deem different

I have lived outside the box

I know what an outsider is

I know what it's like, to live on the edge

To never be invited in

A source of amusement for those at the top

I am not a toy

I have emotions, that I choose not to show

I may not be as beautiful as the girls on the surface

My type of beauty lies within

A strength that grows each passing day

A beauty unmatched, a brain that challenges

I've lived outside the lines

Waiting for my brothers and sisters

To stand up and join me

We do not need to live inside the box

Ordinary does not apply

We've lived a life worth living

We've fought a fight worth fighting for

Because we are not beautiful on the surface

People approach us warily

But because we have beauty within

We will live life to the fullest

And will make our own marks on the world

Love, Life, Living.... a teens point of viewWhere stories live. Discover now