"Sounds like a lot. I think 10 is good I mean I'm gonna be here for a while."


"Um I only have one room..."

"Guess we're sharing" He said blandly.

I blush at how he wasn't joking nor giving a flying Sweet Honey Indescribably tasty Tea .

I show him around the house.

I show him my bathroom, my room, my studio, my basement, living room, and my dining room.

"How do you not have an extra room?"

"Because the house was designed for me."

"So damn extra."

I sigh and go to my room he follows behind me and I lay in my bed silently crying. I hadn't realized Bakugou was in the room with me.

"Oi why the hell are you crying."

I shoot my head up and look at him wiping my tears. 


He walks up to me and wipes my tears.

He leans closer to me and whispers in my ear.

"Whatever you need I'm right here. Just talk to me okay?"

"Okay." I said with a sigh. I had a feeling that I wasn't getting out of this one. So I confessed. I let myself go and said what was on my mind. "I-it's just that I feel so vulnerable an-and weak. I always have and now its to the point where I need you as a bodyguard. All I'm gonna do is waste your time and be a burden with how worthless and pathetic I am. Sometimes I just wanna leave this earth it just hurts so much. I-"

"Oi shut up."

I was sobbing and rambling uncontrollably.

"You're not worthless you're not pathetic and you're sure as hell ain't weak."

I was shocked...no one has ever said that to me. 'Usually I'd get laughed at for venting out my feelings or teased or even sometimes where they would just silently agree. Sometimes people don't know what to say or all of the above. That's what everyone else does. But he doesn't seem like the others. He seems to actually care. Maybe he does. I mean not even Haru knew what to say...he'd just sit there awkwardly giving me tissues for my cry-'

He pulled me into a hug as I cried into his shirt.

"Oi you're mumbling."


"I-it's fine I guess."

After a few more minutes of cuddling in a comfortable silence that silence is broken. The soft thin as paper and fragile silence was broken.

"God I'm pretty shit when it comes to this kinda thing. It's the one thing I suck at."

That made me giggle a little.

He was wrong he's good at it he just has a different way of doing it. 

I think I have a crush but I think that'd just be moving too fast. Maybe it's just puppy love? Admiration? Both? Who knows only time will tell. 

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