Dick said "I-I'm not Robin... Ms.." I shook my head

"Dick I already knew you from the beginning.. Uncle Bruce told me about you and the others before we met"

he sigh and wipe off his sweat "yet you couldn't tell me" as he playfully glare at me

while I smile innocently and said "don't be mad and besides it's fun to have surprises" as I sit next to him

"it's alright does your, dad know?"

"our relationship" as I look at my blue necklace then play it "yes, as long as you don't break my heart. Dick" then look at him

"I won't, cause your my Goddess otherwise Zeus will light me up for breaking you up" I punch his shoulder slightly

"very funny, Dick.. tell me.. why are you so mad at the wall?"

"well.. why did Bruce choose to talk Kaldur, alone? I mean we have a right to listen"

"Dick" I place my forehead on his as I look at his beautiful blue eyes "Uncle Bruce noticed Kaldur's action, during the exercise and he just need to tell him few things"

"of what? Kathy?"

"we will just have to wait until Kaldur is here, okay?"

"why can't you tell me?" he hold my right cheek

"I respect Kaldur's decision and he'll tell you when he is arrived"

"your such a meanie" I poke his nose

"and your such a stubborn person, Dick and besides you should get a shower"

"just one kiss?" in pleading tone

"nope!" I fly above him that Dick couldn't reach me

"that's unfair! your flying! I don't have powers, remember!?"

"of course! I remember! just go to the shower!"

"I'll have my kiss!" he grumbled then left

I laugh and fly around who knew that my boyfriend could be immature sometimes

*Leah P.O.V*

"good job, Steve" I ruffle his hair as my younger brother smiled brightly at me

Steve said "your a good teacher, sister!"

"aww! your so adorable" I hug him as he hug me back

suddenly uncle came inside of the training and brought us some snacks!

uncle said "alright, why don't you get some snacks before you start train"

the three of us said "yes!"

we are eating sandwich with hand and mayonaise then our drinks is Iced tea

Keith said "your dessert are the best, Uncle"

Uncle said "thank you for the compliment, Keith"

"if Angela make the desert, it will poisoned us all.. troublesome lady" I smack his head and winced in pain

Steve said "don't fight, sister Ange and brother Keith!"

I replied "I'm sorry.. if I'm suck at making dessert to make you all poisoned" as I grubled

Uncle said "now, now, don't fight you three are siblings" as he calmed us down

Uncle is the brother of my mother he has light blond hair and purple eyes

Steve said "hey, sister Ange and Brother Keith. we have a letter that the three of us will attend at Gotham Academy! and were given by a full scholarship by Bruce Wayne"

my family knows about the League and except the time when me and Keith were being experimented by the Light. after the experiment, I wipe out all their memories, evidence, everything that is related to us and I'm the strongest telepathic than Megan or Sophia and Pouty

Keith said "that means their is 100% chance that me and Midget's boyfriend will be classmate not just that. too many girls will like me this is such a drag" he drink the Iced Tea

I replied "you are Mr. Popular and zero when it comes to romance"

"they wanted to date a guy that is handsome and have great achievements not his personality"

"wow" I clap my hands "I never thought my baby brother is growing up"as I wipe my fake tears

"such a drama Queen and how's your relationship between Kaldur and you?"

Uncle said "I met Kaldur before when I was having a mission with Aquaman and he is a kind man"

Steve said "does my sister has a crush on Kaldur?"

I roll my eyes and said "don't listen to those two idiots Steve. love is just for the children"

Uncle said "such a late bloomer, tsk, tsk, tsk"

"even your 22 years old doesn't have a girlfriend nor a wife" in a blunt tone

"I was busy taking care of you three and you, young lady already have a part time job as a painting artist"

"even the girls like my age.. likes you because your appearance is like 15 or 18"

"am I?" as he ask the two boys

Keith said "yes, uncle" in a lazy tone

Steve said "yes!" in a cheerful

I replied "at least they know, majority win" as I smiled

Uncle said "you kids really love to tease me" he shook his head

"at least, your happy to be with us right?"

"of course"

'Batman to Angel of Light and Darkness head to the Mount of Justice we have a mission, your the only one left' as I hear my ear piece

'Angel of Light and Darkness to Batman I'm on my way' I sigh

we end our conversation

Uncle said "you should go"

I replied "I will, take care of yourselves"

as I kissed the three boys then left

*Kathleen P.O.V*

we are waiting for Leah to arrived 'recognized Angel of Light and Darkness b00' she already came! and wave at us lazy

Batman said "you already came"

Leah said "yes and when I was about to train those two pups, you called me so I'm here"

"good and this will be your next mission"

I noticed that Leah look at Kaldur with a smile on her face then focus on it.. could it be? she likes Kaldur? those two will be a great couple like me and Dick

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