Chapter 16

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Maya looked down at her stomach which just got bigger and bigger as she didn't know how she was going to lose all of the weight she has gained these past few months.
And she wasn't even that far along but you could say she was a lot further than she was.
At seventeen weeks she felt bigger than she should have but she was showing more than most woman that far as well.

She looked at Riley who was here alone since Lucas's grandfather was undergoing a operation in Texas and he wanted to be there for him.
With a smile Riley stood up going to her best friend.

"What you thinking about, Honey?" Riley asked.
"Why can't I be nine weeks along? I feel genourmes," Maya said.
"Babe, you aren't. Pregnant woman shouldn't be skinny," Josh said.
"Ow," Riley said as Maya rushed over to her.
"Riles, what is it?" Maya asked.
"I don't know," Riley said as she felt it again.
"Pull out the car, Josh. We're taking her to the hospital," Maya said.


At the hospital.

"Huckleberry, where are you?" Maya asked Lucas over the phone.
"Why?" Lucas said.
"Get your ass on a plane. Something is wrong with Riley she is having mild contractions," Maya said.
"Call me later while I get a flight home," Lucas said as he hung up.

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