Chapter 13

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Maya was listening carefully as the doctor tried to figure out what was wrong with Riley for just passing out.
She was well awake and did answer all of the questions that she was asked but couldn't figure out what was the matter.

"I don't know what happened," he said.
"Pregnancy often makes you develop blood-pressure problems which leads to fainting. She is five weeks with quads," Maya said.
"There you have your problem. I'll work out a program for you to balance that all out. Is the father on the way?" he asked.
"My uncle and boyfriend are on the way," Riley said as he left.

"You okay?" Maya asked and Riley nod as Lucas came through the door.
"Thank goodness. Are you okay?" Lucas asked and Riely nod.
"Blood pressure is low. That's all that was the problem. It happens during pregnancy. Nothing to be too worried about," Maya said.
"OK. Are you okay though? You must have gotten a fright," Josh said.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Nothing is wrong with me. I'm just happy that your niece is okay," Maya said as Josh took her in his arms letting out a sigh.

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