Finding Perseus Jackson

Start from the beginning

"Calm down Sally, we'll tell you everything. Mind if we come in?"

"Of course, come in! You need to tell me everything I missed."

"Honey, who are they?" The man we met first, asked from the doorway.

"Paul, you remember when I mentioned my side of the family, this is them." She said, still smiling widely. Everyone walked inside sitting in the living room. Charlie notices Harry sulking and glaring at Sally. Charlie nudges him and whispers.

"Cool off Harry, Sirius and Snape know her, and clearly trust her."

"She's the daughter of Voldemort." Harry whispers back, anger burning in his eyes.

. . . . .


After everything was explained to Sally Jackson, Dumbledore finally got to the important part. "Sally, we came because Perseus has shown signs of being a wizard and needs to be taught. He will attend Hogwarts." Why does he get to attend Hogwarts, that's my school!

Sally instantly paled, tears filling her eyes. Harry pushed down the urge to smirk at her distress. Sirius took her hand looking sad. "Sally, I know this is hard to separate from your son, but he needs to learn control."

Sally shook her head, and Snape and Dumbledore both put in some words to convince her. "That's not...Percy's..." More tears slipped down her cheeks, and Paul grasped her hand.

"Percy has been gone for three months...we're not sure when he'll be back."

"Ha, he ran away didn't he!" Harry can't help shouting, a triumphant look on his face. Voldemort's grandson is a no-good trash. Everyone in the room shot Harry a glare, except Hermione and Ron who look equally happy about Voldemort's grandson being scum. Paul stood in front of Sally in a protective stance, with an unhappy expression. 

"No, he did not run away. He's with some friends dealing with some problems. He'll be home. He always comes home." The way he said it made it impossible to refute. Harry glared at the man, internally hoping that Perseus is dead so that he doesn't have to deal with him.

Sirius decides to break the tension. "Sally I didn't know you were a fan of muggle celebrities." He says pointing to a section of the wall covered with pictures and magazine articles of three boys. Hermione blushed when she saw the pictures and how handsome they are.

"Wow, they look hot. I've heard of them, they're the all new top touring group called Revive. They started three months ago; my mom is a big fan too." Hermione comments. Ugh, now Hermione's in love with some muggle group.

"You know these muggles Hermione?" Ron asked surprised as he looks at the pictures.

Hermione explains, "Not really, they go by Jason, Percy and Nico. They released a couple records that are really good and did a tour. My mom is always playing their music. Percy is the lead and the number one heartthrob of all the muggle girls at the moment, Nico and Jason are always at his side in all the images and respectively are also considered the heartthrob of many girls." Hermione blushed again when Ron looked at her with jealousy written all over his face at her words.

"They are amazing aren't they." Sally said, finally drying her tears and smiling.

Paul grins, slinging an arm around Sally's shoulder. "We actually know them." He says with a glint in his eyes.

Percy Jackson, Grandson of VoldemortWhere stories live. Discover now