dun dun dun jealous

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*Fan girl scream* yes Cameron freaking Dallas will be playing Alexander get it Alexander no kay then be that way. Oh and Cameron Congrats on the movie I want to watch it so bad. Your not reading this so I should shut up now.

                       Chapter 6

While me and Eddie were kissing I could feel someone watching us. I broke the kiss and hugged him.

"I miss you beautiful. I really just want to be with you" he says to me.

"Me to, but they won't let us. After dinner meet me at the lake, Ok?" I say. "Ok" he responds.( see what I did there?, no ok)

He goes back to sword fighting, and I go back to archery.

"Hey, your good at archery, can y-you h-help me with it?" Asked  Alexander.

"Sure Alex. First you got to learn how to take an arrow out of your quiver. Take one out." I demanded. This is going to be fun.

After two minutes of struggling he finally took one out.

He put his arrow in place and was now steching the string.

"Your doing it wrong, you need better posture, stretch more, and arms more up, thats why it dosent go where you want it to" I said to him. But seriously his posture was terrible.( This reminded me of Cameron's vine were he says "My name is Katniss" and shots people with a nerf bow and arrow. You may proceed)

I did what I could do. Now its time to let it fly! He shoot it, it actually ended besides the bull's eye. Bet this boy's arrow's never even make it to  the target. That's a big acomplishment don't ya think.

"Good job! Can you do it yourself now? "

"Please don't be mean, I need help"he begged me. I saw desperation in his eyes.

No Christina you have a boyfriend. You can't fall for him.

Consiense why do you always have to be right. But I won't be falling for him. I love Eddie, and I'm just helping Alexander nothing else.

This won't end pretty. Shut up consience.

"Fine I'll help you just untill you make a bull's eye. Then I go back." I tell him. It's just friendly help right. I'm confused about my feelings.

OK, I need him to make a bulls eye fast. He did the same thing he did with the last arrow but didn't stretch it as much. I could tell he was doing it on purpose, but I'm no fool.

I got behind him and whispered in his ear.

"I'm no fool, stretch it back Alexander" I whisper to him. I had to get on my tippy toes I'm tall yet I'm short next to boys.

"Fine, you got me" he said. Alexander pulled back the string. But when he pulled it back he hit my nose.
Wait ago Alex consience I'm naming you Juanita your always there. (sorry not sorry your gonna see Juanita a lot for this chapter and less in others)

Alex let the arrow go but he noticed he hit me.

"I'm sorry, are you ok Christina?"he asked me. He put his hands on my cheeks.

"Yea I'm okay, but hey you made a bulls eye" I tell him. I'm proud.

"Yea, but I hit you. I don't ever want to hurt you." Alexander really cares for me.

Don't go thinking it's a friendly caring Blondie.

Juanita he's just a friend nothing more.
Whatever makes you sleep at night

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