Tours End, Camps farewell...and wizards?

Start from the beginning

"Maybe. Only time will tell." Percy says softly, never speaking above a quiet voice. His eyes flash with pain and grief as he looks at the camp.

"We should visit to help the new campers out since we'll be around for a while, but our time at camp I feel has ended. Percy, where you go, I go."

"Same here, you'll never get rid of us Sea."

"I knew that when we became immortal and the war ended." Percy says with love and grief mixed in his eyes.

"Come on, let's finish the last touches to camp and go visit your mom." Nico states, walking down. Jason follows, heading to the amphitheater to finish the roof. "This will be our last time at camp, until we feel like visiting." 

"Don't let me lose them Fates...not them." Percy murmurs to the wind, before following the two down. Hoping that eternity with them at his side isn't just a dream.

. . . . .

Dumbledore, Sirius Black, Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, all of the Weasley's excluding Ron, and Draco Malfoy are already sitting in the Weasley kitchen, waiting to start a very important meeting. Finally, the three they've been waiting on, Harry, Hermione and Ron walk in. "Potter, Granger, and Weasley you are thirty minutes late." Snape says with angry eyes at their attitude that has become stuck-up after the war.

"Cool it Snape, Voldemort's gone because of us, who cares if we're late to a meeting." Harry sneers back.

"All of you sit and let's not start this meeting with arguing." Dumbledore mediates, waving his wand and pulling chairs forward. The three sit, and Dumbledore shows a serious expression.

"There are many matters that are not fully resolved. The most pressing is that the mythical creatures are acting up. Already a couple wizards have died, and at this rate things could get worse. No one is sure why these creatures are acting up, but it is a matter that must be handled with utmost delicacy or we'll have a war on our hands."

"There just bloody creatures, just spell a few and show them who's boss." Ron says with an arrogant expression.

"Ron Weasley!" Molly Weasley his mother yells, affronted by his words. Draco Malfoy watches quietly, showing an annoyed expression at Ron's words.

"Ron, doing so would cause a war, the wizards may be strong, but against all of the mythical creatures we will be wiped out. It is more important to find out why they act this way and solve the problem. We will hold off on discussing that matter. There is another matter I wish to talk of. I recently found a family tree showing Tom Riddle's family. As all of you know Tom Riddle or Voldemort has died, but I have found that he had a daughter with Melinda Jackson a pureblood wizard of a strong family line." Dumbledore says eliciting startled gasps.

"That git has a family?!" Harry roars, all the others showing shock and a dazed look.

"Calm yourself Harry. Melinda had a daughter, Sirius and Snape you've met her daughter. Sally Jackson she attended Hogwarts, top of her class."

"Sally?" Sirius shouts, a joyous light in his eyes at the name. The light falters when he realizes Sally is Voldemort's daughter. Snape shows no surprise making Dumbledore stare at him.

"Severus did you know?"

"I did, she told me before her mother took her and ran. She was a fourth year Hufflepuff, top of her class. When her mother took her away, she left a note telling me why she had to leave. She never met her father...Riddle, had no dealings with them. But when he started rising Melinda was worried for Sally and took her away. I don't know where, and I haven't searched since she asked me not to."
"She told you and not me?" Sirius said, a pained look in his eyes.

"She's a monster's daughter, why are you acting like she's good?!" Harry yells.

"She is good, she was always helping others. You should not judge people based off their parents." Sirius states with seriousness, startling Harry and making him sulk.

"Sally Jackson's whereabouts I have found. She is married and settled...she has a son. Naturally I would feel no need to interfere since the family shouldn't have had any contact with Voldemort. However, their son has shown signs of magic since young. He is already 17, a year younger than you three. I have decided he must attend Hogwarts and learn how to control his magical side. His father is unknown, but he was undoubtably a powerful wizard considering Percy has from my search into his past shown signs of growing into a strong wizard. He must be taught and led down the right path."

"The right path, hell he's Voldemort's grandson he'll end up evil. Let's just kill him before the wizards face another war." Hermione states with her nose in the air.

"Hermione, what Sirius said about judging is correct. I remember Sally as a promising student, if Sally raised him, he will hopefully be like her. Now, all students of last year are having an extra year due to everything that happened with Voldemort. You three will be attending as eighth years, and Perseus if he agrees will be a eighth year. I expect you three to help him out, and to keep the secret of his grandfather a secret from the others. We do not need him to be forced down the wrong path due to others."

Harry, Hermione and Ron looked at each other before nodding. All mentally deciding they'd never be friends with Voldemort's grandson. "I must go and meet the boy, and Sally. Who will come with me?"

Sirius jumps up in excitement, and Severus stands in a more dignified way. Harry speaks up, "We will, since you want us to befriend him." Draco looks like he wants to stand, but decides not to since so many others are going. 

"I'd also like to meet him." Charlie Weasley adds, back from his recent dragon studies.

"Alright, then Severus, Sirius, Charlie, Harry, Ron and Hermione will come. We'll bring him back here where he can be for the remaining summer to get caught up on the wizarding ways in case Sally has not told him anything. They live in New York quite the trip, best I do the apparating." Dumbledore states, standing up. The group gathers together, Dumbledore apparating them to New York near Sally's apartment.

Percy Jackson, Grandson of VoldemortWhere stories live. Discover now