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"I didn't do anything. He camly said this is so annoying I look at Jellal and he nooded.

he was the first one to go down of the perfect cube we were sitting at and he spoke up and remove his invisiblelty spell and look at that thing.

"so why didn't you us half of your powers when you were fighting with them? Jellal asked and look at team Natsu and back at him.

" because they were fun to play with. Mephisto said and look at him.

"so you were just toying with us! Gajeel yelled with a tick mark in his head, man this idiot is going to kill us.

"yes I did and it was fun. Mephisto said and look at Jellal staright in the eyes.

"so now your planing to use half of your powers to us? Jellal asked.

"yes and I'm going to kill you. Memphisto said.

"I guess there's no backing out. I said and took of my invisiblelty spell and I was sitting at the edge of the cube.

I made and was sitting cross leg and smirk at Mephisto and stood up.

" hey don't stand up there we could see you undergarments! Erza yelled and I look down to see the guys blushing red.

"oh sorry. I said and jump down and landed on my feet I smiled at Jellal and he nooded and got ready.

" so your planing on using your real powers on me? Mephisto asked.

"no we won't waist our breath and energy on you. I said and smirk.

" every well then. Mephisto said and we could feel the ground shake and I saw a mark on his head a mark from a clan that I haven't seen in my whole life maybe I did on the forehead of my mother.

"so you are from that race? Jellal asked and titled his head.

" what the hell is going on? Natsu asked.

"just shut up! Gajeel said I let out a giggle and Mephisto attack us with some sort of spell it's a good thing that we managed to dogde that attack.

" I guess there is no holding back. I said and I let my demon mark show the same goes for Jellal.

my mark was place at the right side of my forehead like my father Meliodas while Jellal's mark was place at the left side of his forehead just like his father Estarossa and this is were the real battle being.

Jellal pov:

As we let our demon mark show we were whispering to our selves don't let the darkness take over because once we let it take over we can kill all of the people here in this place.

"so the two of you are from the demon clan? Mephisto asked but we just stared at him.

our once colorful eyes were now cover with pitch black and emotionless eyes this is bad but we have no choice and we need to explain what is going on and what is happening to us Juvia ran up to him and kick him that send him a few meters away from us.

"I always hated all of the clans that lived in Britannia. He said.

" what did you do to them? Gray asked and I can tell he is mad and worried for us but mostly for Juvia.

they were all trying to break the perfect cube that was put around them he start to walk closer to us and Juvia was next to me she ran up again to punch him but her arm was cut off her.

it's a good thing she can heal it or more like put it back and I attack I kick him and send him flying, if I'm correct our total power right now is at 10,245 the both of us..

"what happened to Juvia-chan's arm? Wendy asked as they look at her.

Juvia was holding her arms or whatever part of it she was holding and they all saw Juvia use her darkness to get the half of her arms back she put it back and her darkness extended she was emotionless.

I attack again and this time my arm was cut to so I use my darkness to put it back again.

"what the heck is going on? Natsu asked.

"h-h-how c-can t-they d-do t-that? Lucy asked and I can feel the fear inside her voice.

but we just look at her with our emotionless eyes but we just  return our attention in the fight we fight for who knows how long and I was really getting piseed me and Juvia have the same marking and how long it is.

our mark was extended until it cover half of our bodies we stood in the middle and Mephisto was a few meter from us we use some attack on him that cover him with darkness ( like the one meliodas use in his fight with Galand).

while we were still whispering to ourselves to don't let the darkness take over 

"I didn't know your clan became this weak after thousand of years ago! Mephisto yelled and attack us.

were both hit and couldn't do anything because we use to much of our powers I heard him say something and I block out but he never really did killed us

Gajeel pov:

We watch as Mephisto defeat and killed Juvia and Jellal, Juvia was hit in the head while Jellal was hit in the eyes they both close their eyes and we saw that Mephisto.

was walking to us he keep on hitting the cube that Juvia made and I could her Wendy crying sometime after he gave up and spoke to us .

"I guess that girl did something, oh well I guess some people have to live to see what will happen in the future. He said .

that and fly off somewhere we were all looking at Jellal and Juvia, I saw Juvia's hand moved and the cube was gone we rush to them and I made panter Lilly pick up Jellal.

while I pick Juvia bridal style and we ran to the guild as we got there I can feel Juvia breathing but it was faint when we got there they saw Juvia in my arms and Jellal on the back of panter Lilly.

they rush to us and told us to bring them to the clinic we did as we were told and made Wendy heal them me and panter Lilly went back down and look at all of them they look at us and face us confused looks and even master was there we sigh I hope they are fine and not dead yet.

(mean while at the sins and commandments)

Meliodas pov:

We were on our way to Flore or whatever it's called when I felt that power we were near the place and it will only take us one more day or two to get to that Magnolia.

place and start look for them that power was from the crystal clan while the other is from the demon clan so they are here at Flore we just need to find them i look serious and when I spoke up all of them are shook.

"it's them they are here at Flore. I said.

"are you sure Meliodas-Sama? Elizabeth asked.

I just nooded so we are going to find them because we are going  to need there help and it been a long time since we saw each other the secret members of the sin and the Commandments.

and next ruler of each clan and next generation of the sisn and commandments I smile at all if them and spoke up again.

"let do our best to find them. I said.

and they all nodd in response I smile at them I can't wait to see my little princess I said to myself and smiled again this is were the war beings again.

Hey guys sorry took me long enough to update again ang sorry if the fighting since was horrible I'm not really good at fight since but I will try my best to make sure that all the fight will be great and good too I hope you guys like this book enjoy and bye thank you for your support and all it means a lot to me.

THE HYBRID PRINCESS (SEVEN DEADLY SINS X FAIRYTAIL) Book 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz