What I'm Doing

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When I was going through Wattpad for more stories, I realized how few stories there were of Billy Kaplan (Wiccan) and Teddy Altman (Hulkling), one of my favorite couples from Marvel. After realizing that the new WandaVision show might feature Billy and Tommy Shepard, I decided I might attempt to show Marvel what to do.

The story is called Sparks, and it will take aspects of the comics but will take place in the MCU. It will have Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Vision, Peter Parker, and new characters like Billy Kaplan, Tommy Shepard, Teddy Altman, and Crystal Maximoff.

You should check it out for more Marvel by @EmmaSmoke

If you don't, I'll probably take it down. Eventually, I'll get to that rewrite.

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