Chapter 3

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"Shouldn't we talk about him? And what that means for... us?" Bucky asked knowing Natasha would be extremely determined to save her son, who she had yet to name.

"Us? That we had a kid?" Natasha said thinking for a moment. "We don't have to be together to raise him for whoever as long as we can?"

"We could do that. But how will we explain to the rest of the team? It's not just something you can bring up in a conversation," Bucky pointed out. He had a valid point, but Natasha didn't have any answers. They just went to their rooms, hoping for a better tomorrow.


The solider wanted to beg for help, but no one would come to help him. The knife slid across his other wounds, making him wish he could scream. Everything about his life was pain and missions.

His handler stopped setting him upright. The man uttered words in Russian that the solider didn't want to here ever again. But as the last one was spoken, the Spider came out to perform whatever mission was needed to be done.

Before he could get the mission, however, a large bang could be heard throughout the base. The Spider paid no mind to the crash, but his handler did. "Take care of that. No witnesses left behind."

The Spider nodded before putting on his suit. The Spider climbed the wall to get out the door, mending into the shadows despite the bright red and blue suit.

The Avengers blasted their way into the base, trying to take down every agent they could. Natasha waited outside the perimeter to take care of any agent who decided to escape. Instead of a normal agent, the Spider dropped down on top of her.

Black Widow threw the Spider downwards, letting him drop onto the dirt road, before she jumped off the tree branch. The Spider was already up, in position to take down Black Widow. The two went into hand to hand combat before Natasha was on the ground, webbed up.

Captain America threw his shield at the young figure, but the Spider caught it one handed and proceeded to snap it in half. Captain America looked at his broken shield, letting the Spider have time to jump on top of him. The Spider pushed on a nerve in Steve's neck, causing him to fall down.

A force picked the Spider up, covering him in red mist. The Spider turned in the air webbing up Scarlett Witch and the surprised Hawkeye. The Spider stood high above the fallen, carefully looking for someone else.

Falcon, Vision, and Iron Man answered that call landing down for the Spider to web the three up. Vision was still shooting beams from the mind stone,but the Spider dodged them all.

"Release. Mission complete." 

The Spider fell down to his knees as someone he described as Jesus came towards him. The man had dark hair and was in front of a blurry and blinding white light. The Spider fell unconscious then.


"Who is he, FRIDAY?" Tony Stark asked noting how Natasha and Bucky visible sat up straighter.

"The boy is Peter Benjamin Parker. He is 15 years old, but his is malnourished. His DNA appears to point to being 50% spider. The rest of his DNA points to him being the child of Natasha Romanoff and James Barnes," FRIDAY said.

Everyone looked at Natasha and Bucky, who were looking at each other. After an argument with their eyes, Natasha spoke up. "Bucky and I were wiped of the memories of having a child. Last night he came to assassinate us, but Bucky knew the command words to free him. We didn't even get to name him, but apparently his under the alias Peter Parker."

The others in the room had mixed emotions from surprise to pity to sadness. But none of them knew what to do with the teen. Nick Fury would definitely want him but the team knew Natasha and Bucky wouldn't give him up without a fight. And no one wanted another civil war, but if it came to that, they all had their sides picked.

"Someone should go check on him," Scott said, knowing that any child wouldn't like to be alone for long. Even unconscious.

"Bruce?" Bucky asked standing up. Bruce nodded going with the ex-assassin to see the  teen. The team left started fidgeting, feeling awkward because they didn't know what other sides were picked. Natasha hoped it wouldn't come to that.

Bucky walked in first to see the face of the teen. He had soft brown curls with blushing red cheeks, even unconscious. What Bucky noticed was the bruises that littered his face. So young yet so hurt.

Peter slowly opened his eyes, revealing the warm doe brown eyes that were filled with a pain so deep and strong, Bucky felt his heart hurt. The boys eyes widened when he saw Bucky, and started squirming out of the chains that held him to the medical bed.

"Wait! I'm not here to hurt you. Bruce wants to see if you're healthy," Bucky smiled softly putting his hands up. Peter stilled but his eyes were filled with fear. Bruce did as Bucky said and started to run checkups on Peter. Peter squirmed at the slightest touch, but Peter remained silently.

Bucky took Peter's hand watching Peter stare at the gesture frightened. That made Bucky frown but he smiled when Peter looked up at him.

"Hey, Peter. My name is Bucky. Remember me?" Bucky said softly while Bruce gave him a curious look.

"Yes, sir."

"You don't have to be so formal. Call me Bucky, or even Dad," Bucky hoped Peter got the hint without him out right saying Bucky was his father.

Peter yanked his hand out of the super soldiers grasp and looked straight ahead. Bucky guessed that Peter got the hint, even if that wasn't the reaction he wanted.

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