Chapter 16

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Peter watched the years go by on the screen. Two years had passed since Thanos threw him in the dark cell, and the only thing keeping Peter from ending it was seeing his family through the screen.

Peter knew that his family didn't remember him, but Peter remembered them and that was all he needed. All he could want was for them to be happy. Because, Peter realized, he had changed from being just the Spider. He had learn to love, care, talk, hope, dream, and most of all, he became a hero.

Peter made a life he always wanted but never dared hope to have for himself. Peter had done everything on the short bucket list of his, and now Peter knew he could die happily.

Peter didn't know why he's thoughts took that dark turn, but he realized it could have been from his subconscious reasoning that he was dying. No one knew Peter, so no one thought to look for him. So, Peter reasoned, that he was going to die at some point in the dark cell. It was just a matter of when.

But fate is a funny thing. Destiny comes and goes at random moments in our lives,  changing them so we better fit the great scheme of things. And that very factor was the only thing that had Carol Danvers landing on the uninhabitable planet.

Walking around on the black iced ground, Carol spotted a large building. Following the path, Carol had to light herself up as a navigation light.

Stumbling into the building, Carol saw the boy who watched the Avengers on the screen. Carol realized that she knew that boy. He was the one in the photographs, and she remembered Natasha talking about him as her son. So why was he here?


Captain Marvel landed down on the ground something small in her arms. Natasha and Bucky were the ones outside, so they ran to greet the alien.

Seeing the familiar boy in her arms, something clicked in their minds about the identity of the child.

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