Chapter 8

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The Spider had been mixed with a symbiote like Venom, but it wasn't exactly him. You see, the symbiote just gave the Spider extra powers along with a clouded sense of morality, all in exchange for human life. Peter couldn't deny the power that grew in him, so the Spider took over becoming completely in charge of Peter's actions.

One by one, the Avengers fell. Peter was just hanging in midair with the ink like legs coming from his back doing all the heavy lifting. His fast was twisted with an insane smile and black eyes with red dots.

The Avengers tried everything in their powers, but the Spider wouldn't fall. The Spider broke through the lines, severely injuring a few. But it wasn't like anyone blamed Peter, it was all HYDRA'S fault. They kept twisting Peter into a monster.

The Spider walked across the field, actually stepping on and shattering Steve's shield. Bucky was left standing in a defensive position, but he didn't want to fight his son. But his son was drawing closer, his red eyes trained on Bucky like a predator stalking it's prey.

"Try to appeal to Peter!" Tony said through the comms with a few groans and moans of serious pain. The Spider had done his damage, but Tony still didn't see Peter as the monster.

Bucky called out to Peter, promising to do things with the teen like take walks in Central Park or go see shows on Broadway. And other things father's should do with their sons, like maybe play a sport or do a family game night. But nothing out of Bucky's mouth could break through the Spider's essence and get through to Peter. Poor Peter, Bucky thought, actively aware that he was stuck behind a monster. Bucky didn't like that, but what could he do?

That's when it hit the soldier.

Bucky started humming an old Russian lullaby, few people would even know the name of. Bucky held his ground as he went through the repetitive harmony. The Spider still walked closer, but the legs slowly started to guide Peter closer to the ground. Bucky held out his hand as a sign of truce to whatever war was going on.

The Spider let his darkened eyes stare at the hand as the melody started to go to Peter's core. The young boy had hummed that melody every day while he was trapped with HYDRA. Wrapped up in every, and he means every, corner of his cell in a ball as he hummed that same melody Bucky now hummed.

Bucky had just remembered a memory of being in the cell next to a boy who hummed that song. Bucky had never seen the boy, only hearing him. But every day Bucky would listen just so he knew he was still human. Bucky had appreciated the music despite circumstances, and Bucky had grown close to the notes. Realizing now, though, did Bucky realize it was most likely Peter who was humming. And if the Spider's actions said anything, it was that Peter was the boy humming in the cell beside Bucky.

Peter's eyes circled inward until his eyes faded from red and black into doe brown and white. His feets hit the ground in front of Bucky, with Peter being shorter than his father. The tentacles went into Peter's back as Peter started humming with Bucky.

The boy soon paced out, looking calm and peaceful. But he also looked fragile in Bucky's arms. Bucky felt the urge to protect the boy, and Bucky didn't know if that was because he was Peter's dad or because Bucky just loved Peter that much.


Peter woke up in a glass coffin. Or more precisely, a tube with a bed that had stuff beeping around the pod. Peter figured he was in a hospital, and that he was enclosed in this case for... reasons?

Peter remembered being tortured by HYDRA, then a strange hum pulling Peter out of a nightmare. The next thing Peter knew was that he passed out in his father's waiting arms.

Either Bucky was back with HYDRA or Peter had been rescued. Peter prayed it was the later because he didn't want his father to go through what he had. No one should go through what Peter had been through. Especially not the angel Peter so clearly was. But fate was a cruel mistress who followed her own path.

Natasha and Bruce walked in then with it looking like an argument. Peter tapped on the glass alerting the two to his consciousness. Natasha went straight up to the glass, placing her hand on the glass. Peter felt his hand go in the same place but the other side. Peter felt the warmth of her hand fade through the glass onto Peter's hand. Natasha gave Peter a sad smile who returned it with a small smile.

I love you, Natasha mouthed to Peter. Or Peter thought it was mouthing, it could have been her saying it out loud and the box kept noises out. Either way, Peter mouthed it back, his throat hurting.

Bruce walked back in with Tony and Bucky. Natasha backed up into Bucky so he hugged her from behind. Tony put on a headset while looking over a mainframe. "Underoos, I'll be honest with you. There's only one way to get that poison out of you, and that's a high frequency noise. It's going to hurt like Hell though, so I have to ask if you want to do this. Do you?"

Peter looked around at all their faces. If he wanted to always see those faces, he needed the symbiote gone. No matter if it killed him first. Peter gave a slow nod making Tony flinch.

Seconds later, the only noise heard was the screams of a teenager who sounded like a young child. Natasha couldn't even stand looking at his pain filled face.

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