Chapter One - Arrival

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     Loki began to violently shake as he heard footsteps approaching his cell, despite the pain it caused him. As the steps got closer he began to recognize them.

     Frigga? It couldn't be-

     "Loki, oh," She cursed under her breath. He looked up at her and their eyes met for a breif moment before he looked back down. He felt he had done something wrong, which had pained Frigga to see. She despised Odin for what he did, but there was no way she could've stopped him. She tried everything. Except-

     "Heimdal," She had whispered to herself. It was almost too quiet for Loki to hear, but he did, nonetheless. Before he had a chance to question it, Frigga stormed off as fast as she showed up.

     I knew it. She never cared for me. He thought as he curled into himself farther. He felt a heavy sense of fatuige. He was sure he would die. And as scary as it seems, he welcomed death. With everything that he had gone through, death seemed like his only chance to escape.


     Frigga walked down the bifrost as fast as she could manage. She wanted to run, but she knew her knees just wouldn't have it, despite her being a goddess.

     "Heimdal!" She called out, her eyes wide with panic, "Loki needs help!"

     "I am aware. What would you like me to do, your highness?"

     She thought for a quick moment, "Where is Thor?"

     "He has found hospitality on Midgard."

     "Is there someway you can send Loki to him?!"

     "I can do my best. Bring him to me,"

     "Right away" Frigga obliged as she walked back down the bifrost and towards the dungeon. Since her and Odin have grown distant ever since his desision to torture her son, she didn't have to worry about running into him.

     She struted down the hallways of the musty dungeon, fidgeting with her hands. She knew that Odin wouldn't be happy with her, but it was a sacrifice she was more than willing to make. She was met with Loki's sullen eyes once again. They gazed into each other's eyes and memories resurfaced for both of them.

     Frigga made the wall of his cell dissapear with the swipe of her hand. Loki's eyes widened. He began to shake. It was unpredictable what was to happen to him. Frigga lifted him under his arms, like a small child. He flinched at the contact and let out a pained whimper at the sudden movement.

     As much as she hated to, she ignored his cries. She had to get him out of here, soon. There was no more time for family bonding. She picked him up bridal style, just as she had when he was young, around four years old.

     He continued to look up at her, not scared, but confused. Why was she helping him? Surely, he wasn't worth it.

     As Frigga made her way down the bifrost and back to Heimdal, she replaced his old, tattered clothes with the attire she knew he liked so much. Green, black, and gold leather. Loki was in too much pain to notice. Everything hurt, and he couldn't stop shaking.

     Frigga carefully handed him off to Heimdal. She kissed Loki on the forehead, her way of saying farewell. She quickly raced back to the palace without exchanging any further words.

     Loki now laid in Heimdal's arms, terrified. He knew that the woman he called his mother wouldn't hurt him, but he was unsure about Heimdal. Those two never got along great. Nothing ever happened between them, but the tension was always thick.

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