part 1: rumors

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y/n's point of view:
i'm in 11th grade and i wake up to another boring day at school. i get ready,and then hop into the bus along with the other tired high schoolers. when my friend gets on the bus she asks you, "hey y/n, did you hear about the kid that died yesterday?" i reply in shock, "no! what happened? who was it?" she answers your question, "well, the kid actually went to our school but they can't tell who the victim is. the-" i cut her off in anger, "how can they not tell who the victim is but they know what school they went to?!" "let me finish my sentence." she replies. "anyways,apparently the victim had been shot in the forehead and stabbed multiple times in the chest. they do know what school they went to bc the victim was wearing a blue warriors (your school mascot) hoodie. the also found out that the victim was wearing a bracelet on it that said "yasuhiro hagakure". they were thinking that maybe that could help them figure out who the victim was." i gasped and sat there in shock for a minute. "what's wrong?" your friend asks. "th-that's... the bracelet i g-gave to wyatt! (your guy best friend)  i know becuase he got me a matching bracelet that said leon kuwata!" i couldn't even cry because i cant believe that my best friend is dead... no! i refuse to believe it! i just facetimed him at like 5 yesterday! there's no way!" your friend comforts you. "i' sorry y/n..."
    hearing that your best friend is dead is the worst feeling in the world. it feels like there's a hole in your heart and you can't breathe. he helped me through everything! Including helping me deal with my toxic parents when i wanted to kill myself! i'm not depressed anymore and it's all becuase he helped me through it all! i must move forward, i'll keep living for wyatts sake.
     your walking through the hallway on your way to your locker and you notice a boy at his locker by himself. your heart suddenly starts beating faster but you ignore that feeling and continue walking.

do you love me? a yandere! fuyuhiko x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now