Chapter 24

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Kandi POV

Everybody left n it was just me n Dre in my hospital room. he look sad n mad at dha same time.

Me: bae can yhu come lay wit me

Dre: are yhu sure ion wanna hurt yhur arm

Me: yea bae now come here( I said while moving over for him to have room on dha bed. he took off his shirt n shoes. he only had on sum basketball shorts n his Nike socks. he got comfortable on dha bed n pulled me into his chest. we sat dea quiet for a while until I broke dha silence) bae yhu kno dhis wasn't yhur fault ryte ( I said tracing his tattoos dha wer on his chest)

Dre: bae it is my fault cuz I didn't protect yhu lyke I should have. I dnt kno wat I would do if I wer to loose yhu

Me: it's okay I'm fine n yhur fine dhats all dhat matters ( I said sittin up n kissin his forehead. his dreads wer pulled bac so it was easy to just kiss his forehead)

Dre: bae I really do love yhu n I want yhu to kno dhat n dhat I will never hurt yhu ( he said lookin me in my eyes.)

Me: I really love yhu too Dre n I also want yhu to kno dhat I'm always gonn be here for yhu no matter wat

After dhat he a gave me a peck on dha lips but we both knew we wanted more. he kissed me again but this time wit more passion den ever. he broke it n kissed my cheek n told me goodnite. I did dha same n laid me head on his chest n fell asleep.

Unknown POV

Boss called me n my boy Lentrell to his office. he said dhat it was important so it took us no time to get to dha trap n into his office. as we was walkin in sum fine ass female was walkin out. ma had ass for days. Ik boss had a good ass time. we walked in n sat in dha chairs in front of his desk.

Boss: I was just told dhat Kandy was shot n dnt kno if she is dead or not.

Me: who shot her

Boss: dhats classified but I want y'all to find out if she is alive or dead

Me: ight boss we got yhu but wat if she is alive wat yhu wa-( I was cut off by Jerome )

Jerome: boss we got a problem

Boss: n wats dhat ( he asked annoyed)

Jerome: yhu kno dhat female I was fuckin wit

Boss: dha light skinned one wit dha big tits

Jerome: yea

Boss: wat bout her

Jerome: well let's just say she joined sides wit KingZ's daughter

Boss: how dha fuck dhat happen Jerome ( he said gettin up )

Jerome: she owed me money n I went to go get it while she was at cheer practice den we started arguin n den I slapped her n den dhats wen Kandy n another girl came runnin over gettin in me n tyga face n den dhats wen it came to me. ik who she was so me n tyga left n waited in dha car n followed dem to dhis old house in dha woods.

Boss: so wat yhu sayin is dhat yhu found wea dey been hidin

Tyga: yea sirrr, n I think ima make dhat other bitch dhat was wit her my slave

Me: wats her name

Tyga: ion kno but she was fine ass hell, she had hazel eyes look bout around 5'8 or 5'9 in height, wit a big ass

Lentrell: did she have red or brown hair

Tyga: brown y yhu must kno her

Lentrell: actually I do n she's mines bruh so dnt touch

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