Chapter 20

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Kandy: I woke up happy n excited asf today is my birthday. I sat up n I notice Dre wasn't in dha bed but dea was a tray wit breakfast n a note on it
Dha note read

Happy birthday bae I made yhu a delicious breakfast in bed. I'm sorry I'm not here but I had to get yhur bday place ready love yhu n have a happy birthday

Ps my card is on dha dresser have fun

I sat dha note dha card dwn n eat my breakfast I walk dwn stairs to dha kitchen n put my plate up I walked bac to my room n took a shower dha hot water was felt so good to my skin. I spent ten minute in dha shower den I got out n did my other hygiene stuff n put on my black n purple costume made bra n pantie set wit my initials on dem n left out dha bathroom. I walk to dha closet to find sum to wea I decide to wea sum black high waisted shorts wit a pink neon color half shirt wit dha words Flawless on it in black letters wit my pink black n white Jordans I was goin to get my hair n nails did so I just put my hair in a high ponytail. dea was a knock at my door n neish n jas came in wit a lil Debbie cake ( my favorite) n a candle in dha middle I. Just laughed


Me: ( laughs) thank yhu ( blew dha candle out n took it off my Debbie cake) y'all ready ( I ask takin a bit out of dha cake )

Jas: I am but ms Barbie ain't finish bein dolled up

Me: neisha yeen done yet

Neisha: do I rush y'all .... no I dnt. So dnt rush me n I'm almost done anyway ( she said runni out my room to finish up )

Jas: ( laughs n shake her head ) well I'll be dwn stairs enjoy yo Debbie cake ma

Me: I will

She left n I grabbed my phone n purse n headed dwn stairs to wait on neisha. she came den moments lata n we hopped in Djs hummer n was off to dha hair salon. I turned dha sterio on n my song came on, milk Marie by rich homie quan . we was singin along to every song dhat came on. we finally made it do dha hair salon n we walked in. Marika was already

Me: wassup y'all

Everybody: hey n happy birthday Kandy

Me: thank yhu

I sat dwn in Marika chair n she started on my hair. neisha n jas wer also gettin dea hair done by two other females who work dea. wat caught my attention was dhis one female who was doin neisha hair keep mean muggin jas. I just shrugged my shoulders n let it go I dnt need no mess today. bout an hour lata we wer finished wit our hair n was on our way to dha nail salon. we hopped back in dha car n head to dha nail salon it was no time gettin dea. we got out n went in n got comfortable in our chairs

Jas: ok was it me or wasn't dha girl dhat was doin neisha hair mean muggin me

Me: I saw it to but dnt stress over dhat we dnt need yhu stressing ( I said reaching over n rubbin her stomach even tho she a few weeks yhu couldn't tell )

Neisha: rite dnt nun need to be happenin to my god baby

We laughed n just enjoyed out manicure n pedicure after dhat we went to dha mall it was only 2 o'clock wen we got to dha mall we got plenty of time my party dnt start until 8 so we wer good. we walked in forever 21 n jas n neisha tried to find sum to wea for tonite. I already got my outfit custome made. jas found her outfit but neisha ooh lord dhat child rite dea she could not find sum to wea. we stayed in dha for another hour cuz of neisha. I was hungry asf so we went to dha food court n got our food n sat dwn at a table. we was eatin out food until my phone rung it was MY TWIN ( My twin is kandy's ?name in rosco's phone n my Twinny Is rosco's name in Kandy's phone)

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