Chapter 21

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Next mornin


I woke up wit a beautiful sleeping jas wrapped in my arms. I tried to get out of bed wit out waking her . I hopped in dha shower n dha water was on point . while I was in dea I was also tryna figure out why my parents would lie lyke dea were dead I was deep in thought Ian hear jas callin me

Jas: bae are yhu alrite

Me: ( I got out dha shower n wrapped around me n I opened dha door) yea I was just thinkin

Jas: aww ok well yhur mom n Kandy are makin breakfast n I'm Finna jump in dha shower rite quick

Me: ight ( I finish doin my hygiene stuff n walked out so she could take her shower)

It's Sunday so ion have nu. To do so I just threw on a pair of sweats I wasn't feelin no shirt. I walk dwn stairs to see dha guys in dha livin room n dha girls in dha kitchen

Dre: aye Dj, King Z said meet him in dha office rite quick

Me: ight n I'm suprise yeen callin him father in law ( I said wit a laugh)

Dre: n I'm suprise yeen tellin him he goin to be a granddad now are yhu ( he said wit everybody laughing den Kandy came out dha kitchen bein noisey as ever)

Kandy: wats so funny

Me: nun wit yo noisey ass

Kandy: fuck yhu D ( she said walkin back in dha kitchen )

Me: we can't K we fam ( laughs) ill be back go see wat dha old man wants

Dad: nigga who yhu callin old I'm 14 years older than yo ass

Me: ( laughs ) I was just bout to see wat yhu wanted

Dad: we can talk in here all y'all can catch me u.....( cut off by Kandi )

Kandi: ( in her baby voice) DADDYYYY ( she yelled runin to him like a lil girl )

Dad: hey princess wat chu doin

Me: ( coughs n laugh sayin) Dre

Kandi: ( mean mugging dha shit out of me) just finish cookin wit mommy n. she told me to tell y'all it time to eat

Dad: ok baby girl be dea in a minute ( he said bendin down to kiss her forehead n she walked bac in dha kitch still mean muggin me ) n jr wat yhu say wen I ask baby girl wt she was doin

Me: nun I'll let her tell yhu ( he looked at me confused but just nodded n we all walked on dha kitchen to see mom had everything ready at dha table we all sat dwn n dad said grace)

Rosco: mrs. avant des pancakes are dha truth

Mom: thank yhu baby n call me mama Tay all of y'all call me dhat

Me: really mom

Mom: boy hush n eat

We all laughed n mom made use wash our own plates n stuff. after dhat we all was in dha living catchin up

Dad: ok so ( points to Kj,Dre, Rosco, n jerimiah ) so all y'all work for me n my son

Mom n Kandi: ummhmm

Dad: my bad me my wife my son n my daughter

Mom: better

Dre: yes sir

Dad: ok jr are dey good workers

Me: yes n especially Dre he is so close to his work h.....( cut off by Kandi coughing)

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