(Chap 1) Meeting

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“You have to make it in this time, or go and learn a trade.”, “Your brother is getting good grades, he will get in easily.” “Can’t you do better?”. My parents they’ve said similar things to this. Not exactly the last one but I can tell what they mean. I do love my parents, I don’t resent them or my brother but they can be harsh. They’ve been strict on me since I finished school, more so than usual.

It has been a year since I graduated from High School. Almost a year since I failed to get into University. I hopelessly tried to get into University not even sure what I wanted to study, just hoping the answer would come after I got in. Seems like the answer will take a little while longer.

The test is coming up again in a few months. I have to get in this time or go take up a trade instead or something to earn an income.

I was sent to a private all boys Catholic school despite not being catholic. I didn’t mind, it was just a school after all. I didn’t mind learning about God, Jesus and the like, it could be interesting. Since it was an all boys school I didn;t have much experience with girls. I would always quiet my voice or avoid eye contact with them, that was how nervous I was with them. I had a small group of friends but we grew distant soon after they left for Uni. But I guess that was how I ended up at Church that evening, otherwise I would’ve never gone there, but rather a shrine or something religious.

Entering the church that evening it was empty. Mass must’ve been over already and the staff and alike were probably in the back. I sat on the pews and admired the design of the church. It was a rather larger church than normal, right next to a high school. The school it was next to was an All girls school, a competing school with the school I went to. The church always gave me an uneasy feeling, I’m not sure why but it did.

Looking around the church I noticed a confession booth, I always wanted to use one why not now? I need to get something off my chest.

Entering the booth, it was just how I expected. Small, with a divider for the father and I. “Father,” I ask, “May we talk?”

“Yes, you may.” The voice responded. It was the voice of a woman, she had a sweet and gentle voice quite soothing, could she be a part of the choir?. Not what I expected but I continue.

From there on I spoke to the ‘Father’ about my doubts, concerns and worries of the future and present. I know she wasn’t a therapist but it felt nice to talk and for someone to actually listen without judgment.

After I finished talking she asked me to take a seat in the front row of the pews. Exiting I did as she said oddly enough. Maybe it was her soothing voice, that I let my guard down. I took the seat in front of the statue of Jesus. The moonlight shining through onto the statue mesmerised me and made me stare at it and the surrounding objects. Oddly surreal.

Soon a woman took a seat next to me. I didn’t notice that she was next to me, still entranced by the statue. Next I felt someone's arms around me. They were warm. “I don’t usually do this, but you looked like you needed a hug and a friend.” She whispered. Her arms were wrapped around me on my back and her head resting on my shoulder.

I don’t know why but I returned the hug. It was different. I didn’t realise it but water began to come from my eyes. My head resting on her shoulder, I mumbled a whisper, “Thank..you..”. I'm not sure if she heard me but it felt nice to have something close to a friend again.

We held each other there on the pews for a moment then we let go. I quickly turned away to wipe my tears.

When I looked back at her, I almost believed she was an angel. She had long black hair, fair skin and two distinctive beauty marks one on her nose and above her lips. If I had to describe her, she was equivalent to an angel even dressing in elegance. Wearing a white blouse with a small ribbon tied on and black pants and sneakers.

When we made eye contact I stared for a bit before turning away, she also did the same. But before she turned away she held a small comforting smile on her face.

That night we introduced ourselves. She said her name was Mina Myoui.

Thank you to reading Chapter 1! This is a new project I will work on, I will try to update the OneShots but I want to try to tell a FanFiction story instead of having to come up with new ideas every time.

This story may be a bit angsty a bit haha, sorry about that!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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