"Good morning." He says softly.

"Good morning..." she stretches until she realizes what's happening and she jumps up.  "What are you doing here? How did you got in?"

"Relax. Your mother let me in. She's outside talking with someone and I'm telling you I've never felt this grateful for a stranger." He smiles.

"But she... anyhow. Let's go to the living room." She starts moving but he blocks the door.

"Kerem..." she warns him.

"Not until you tell me what happened yesterday. I drop you here just fine and today you are a completely different person." She tries to reach the door handle but he takes her hands and he cages them behind her back.

"Things went down pretty rough yesterday, ok? I don't know how to get out of this situation and now you are here and..." she's frustrated, he can tell. And he only knows one way to make her relax.

His lips claim hers but she resists and she pulls back. "Kerem! What are you doing?" she may be moving away from him but her eyes never leave his lips.

"I'm helping you relax babe." He says and he kisses her again as he moves her towards her bed. She doesn't fight him this time, instead she follows his lead. He stumbles at the table next to her bed and he stays here.

His kiss gets deeper, more demanding. Her hands are still trapped behind her back so she doesn't have her usual way to bring him closer to her. She breaks the kiss out of frustration and he kisses her jaw line and her neck. One part of her wants to fight his hold and the other enjoys it so much. She exposes her neck to him and her eyes land on her bed.

"Do you have anything against beds?"

"No, why?" His beard tickles her skin as he speaks.

"Because there's a bed in a perfect shape two steps from here.?" She asks almost breathless.

"Yeah, so?" he says against her skin after sucking it.

"Just stating the obvious. Kerem..." she lets out a moan and suddenly she remembers where they are. "Kerem! My mum! She'll be back s...." but she can't finish her sentence because of his sinful mouth. "Can you stop being so distracting?"

"No when you are around. Your mum is still outside, talking to her friend." His free hand is under her t-shirt scraping her skin and she shivers. At the same time his mouth is at her ear sucking her lobe as he whispers all kind of things to her.

"What happened last night?" he asks again as his fingertips touch the side of her breast.

"Nothing important..." she arches her back to meet his touch but he removes his hand.

"You are lying to me. Something got you all riled up." His hand is heading towards her pants and it disappears inside them. A moment later she feels him teasing her entrance.

"So wet already..." he whispers and she shivers again "it would be a shame if I stopped now..." she nods frantically.

"Tell me how I can help Ayse. What can I do for you?" he kisses the spot behind her ear and she whines.

"For now, finish what you started." She says and sets her hands free. With one of them she pulls him in for a kiss and the other is joining his inside her pants. He groans but he obliges. He's about to dive two digits inside her when they hear her mother's voice. Both of them stay still for a moment and then Ayse starts to run frantically.

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