"Well we vanquished those stupid little parasite demons, but once we did, more stupid little demons came swarming at us trying to get this thing," one of the women held up a ring. Y/n's eyes narrow on the ring, the band thick and the color a pure gold. It was intricately designed with spirals of black that looked like billowing smoke and a blood red diamond in the middle of it.

"It is pretty, looks just about my size too," the woman beside the one with the ring took it and held it over her finger, ready to slide it on.

"No! Ring," Y/n held her hand out, the ring gone from the woman's fingers and appearing in Y/n's hand.

"Okay, who is this?" One of the women asked, pointing at Y/n with raised eyebrows.

"Oh, this is Y/n," Leo moved a bit to the side, revealing her completely. "I found her a little down from where you guys were fighting the other parasites. She was being drained but there were too many there so I brought her here," he explained.

"Good thing he did too, otherwise this one," Y/n pointed to the woman in the middle, "would have tried to kill all of you," she said, holding up the ring. "This is Alexa's ring. Named after the dark witch who cursed it in the 14th century."

"Right, she was infuriated because her lover slept with her sister, who was adamantly good even though they came from a famously evil family," the white lighter still leaning against the doorframe said.

"Right," Y/n furrowed her eyebrows, "except it was her cousin and that 'lover' was that cousins fiancé," the women all snickered as their white lighter flushed. "Alexa casted a love spell on him but it wore off mid-intercourse and he was so enraged that he nearly killed her, which is why she created the ring. It was meant to flip the morality of whoever wore it. So those that you'd normally as loved ones or friends would become enemies," she explained.

"Oh," the one that had almost put the ring on said, "well that wouldn't have been good," she chuckled innocently. "So thanks for that. I'm Paige," she stepped forward with her hand out. Y/n shook it and politely smiled, not offering her name because Leo had already said it.

"I'm Phoebe," the one who had originally been holding the ring introduced herself with a sweet wave.

"Piper," the last one introduced.

"And the white lighter?" Y/n asked, gesturing to the other man in the room.

"That would be Chris. Don't worry about him, he's a grumpy little thing," phoebe pinched the white lighters cheek as she walked past him and out of the living room.

"I am not grumpy. I am mission oriented," Chris yelled after her.

"A.k.a grumpy," she yelled from a different room. Chris rolled his eyes as he looked back at Y/n, his eyes taking her in from head to toe. She shifted uncomfortably under his gaze, clearing her throat to regain everyone's attention.

"Anyways, This has been lovely but I really need a shower," she handed the ring to Leo and gave them all a salut. "It was really nice meeting you all, thanks for not leaving me to die," she started for the door without waiting for any kind of goodbye, closing the manor door with a soft click. She shimmered out as soon as the door closed, her surroundings vanishing.

The outside of the Halliwell manor was replaced with her bedroom, her dog running up to jump on her thighs before she was even fully solid.

"Woah, hello to you too Dragon," she greeted, scratching at his ears. He barked at her, rubbing his snout against her stomach. Y/n chuckled, gently pushing him down so she could walk to the bathroom. The black leather jacket  wrapped around her was torn at the sleeve, her lips pursing in dissatisfaction as she poked her finger through the tear.

"Damn" she cursed, throwing it on the sink. Looking up at the mirror she saw just how much damage was done. Her arms were covered in bruises and cuts that had been healed thanks to Leo. She's almost lucky that the parasite demon had almost killed her, otherwise Leo wouldn't have healed her and Callies attack would have actually done her in.

Taking off her tank top revealed a deep gash at her side that stretched from the side of her torso all the way to above her belly button. It was only half healed, no longer gushing with blood but still throbbing and exposed. She sighs at it but pushes it away for now, kicking off her shoes and socks then stepping out of her pants.

Her cuts sting under the spray of the water, but the warmth of it soothes the aching in her muscles and makes her sigh. Dirt and blood seep out of her hair, sliding along the white porcelain tub and down the drain.

Nothing had really set in until now. Her mind is too active to slow down and process until she's alone and everything is quiet. With the water running at a constant, steady pace, and the flow of it being the only sound in the bathroom, there's nothing to do but process the day. She was standing face to face with the charmed ones. Her pulse is rising just thinking about it. It's like growing up reading a fairytale then meeting the fairytale characters. She can't say it was as glamorous as that however, they were ordinary people with the exception of their extraordinary powers. She could see the worry lines on pipers face, and the exhaustion on Phoebe's, and the flickering confusion on Paige's. Realizing that extraordinary people have flaws is like realizing that your parents are sometimes as scared of the dark as you are.

Y/n's mind switched to Leo and the kindness in his face. It was a baseline emotion that he didn't seem to be aware of. She could feel it inside of him, the protectiveness and the kindness that dictates his decisions. He was there, waiting and ready to help, to heal. She had never met someone with such softness in their eyes who would still get their hands dirty to help someone.

Her thoughts jump to Chris. Her skin heats up thinking about the way she corrected him, how someone like her could have more knowledge than the white lighter for the charmed ones. It gave her a bit of an ego boost, but the tingling in her skin didn't result from confidence.

Shaking it off, Y/n finished her shower and stepped out. She wrapped her hair in a cotton tee shirt and gently towel dried her body. She pulled a first aid kit out from under the sink and opens it on the counter. She tears a pack of alcohol swabs open with her tears and a sharp hiss escapes her mouth as she runs it along the edges of her wound. She covers it with a large white bandage, making sure it's secure  before pulling a tee shirt from her laundry basket. Y/n didn't bother with anything else other than underwear, exhaustion creeping up on her once she turned off the bathroom light. She fell into her unmade bed with no grace, burying herself unceremoniously beneath the covers and closing her eyes, letting sleep lull her unconscious.

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