angst for those who like it ;^:

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"Uh... Well... Uhm..."

"Well? Spit it out, (L/n). We don't have all day."

"Shouta I-" I couldn't do it. I was too scared. The words- they wouldn't come out of my mouth. I could say it so easily in my room and in my head when I was practicing... why couldn't I say it NOW?!

Shou walked up to me, and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Are you having cramps again?"

. . .


"Pardon me?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"You keep clutching onto your stomach and you're playing with your thumbs. I know you only do that when something's eating you up from the inside..." explained Shou, his usually intense and stoic gaze was now more calming and filled with concern. "You okay?"

"Shouta, I..." I breathed in and out deeply. When I opened my eyes... they locked with his. Staring into his midnight black eyes... I... I couldn't do it. I might scare him away. I don't want to lose the friendship I have with him. All just because I wanted something more.

"I just hope that you still remember me when you're a big hero." I smiled, hoping he couldn't see the tears that dared to prick my eyes.

"I don't plan on becoming a huge hero like All Might or anything... So you don't need to worry about me forgetting you." reassured Shou as he wiped my tears away. "And stop crying... you're becoming a mess,"

"I... didn't plan... on crying..." I said in-between hiccups. It was over. I was full-on crying like a 5-year old.

"No one ever plans on crying... C'mon, (Y/n), here, gimme your face. You're gonna get your uniform wet." said Shou as he grabbed a tissue out of his pocket. He used it to dry my tears and then stuffed it back into his jacket pocket. "Feeling better...?"

I sniffled as I said, "Y-yeah..."


Staring at Emi and Shou from across the room... it made me sick to the stomach. I should be happy for him since he finally found someone he wants to be with... but... I just couldn't help and be jealous. Even coming off as rude sometimes... ugh...

"Yo, (Y/n)! You wanna come watch this film with us? It's a documentary about quirks!" asked Emi as she waved her arms around from the couch.

"Huh? Oh, no thanks... I've seen this hundreds of times with Shou already..." I said, no enthusiasm present in my voice.

"Okay... Where are you going?"

Always And Forever [Aizawa Shouta x reader]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ