Nevermind, it's stupid

Start from the beginning

Ophelia walked back into the school and set off in a hunt for her brother, knowing he never ate in the Great hall.

She rounded a corner and almost jumped half a foot when Tom tapped her on the shoulder. "Son of a fuck bitch. Fuck, Riddle, I jump scare easily."

"That's fairly obvious, its no wonder you're not a Gryffindor." He said, as she turned to face him. "Who are you looking for?"

"My Brother, I refuse to sit through an entire hour of Alastor and Primrose talking about how pretty the other is." Said Ophelia. "Well for a third time."


"You'd be surprised at how many synonyms there are for beautiful." She sighed, "But they are happy."

"Have you eaten, Marigold?" He asked and she shook her head.

"No." She replied looking at him quizzically, as though to say, Why do you care?

"The kitchens then?" He questioned, and she nodded.

"Lead the way." She replied, even though she fell into step beside him. "What do you think your patronus will be?"

He shrugged impassively. "I don't know."

"One of the most common Patronuses for Slytherin is a fox, or a snake." She supplied. "I bet you'll have a king cobra or something."

"Maybe." He said shortly, not thinking he would even manage a silvery strand of magic, and face utter humiliation.

"What if it's a basilisk?" She said, "I could totally see that." Ophelia was in a good mood, the sun shone through each window. She loved days like this, where you can feel the shift in the season.

"That was Slytherin's patronus." He commented, and she nodded. "I would be honoured."

They approached the kitchen and she tickled the pear. They walked in and thanked the house elves repeatedly as they were offered dish after dish. She finally took a sandwich and he did the same.

They left the kitchens and Ophelia led them to a window seat.

She leant against the wall, facing him crossed legged, he was only slightly turned to face her, as he bit into his sandwich.

"What are you going to use for your happiest memory?" Asked Ophelia, wondering whether this was the moment it turned out he actually had loads of fun with his friends.

"I don't think I have one strong enough." He said quietly, his expression completely blank and she frowned.

"What about from when you were a kid?" Asked Ophelia, leaning towards him, resting her chin in her hands and her elbows on her knees.

"None." He said, and her Honey eyes were suddenly wide and perceptive. He felt like she was peeling back his layers one by one until she found one she was satisfied with.

"Did you have a happy childhood, Riddle?" She asked scotching to be closer to him.

"Not particularly." He said, his composure shifting for a moment. Damn it she was a good friend, she could probably collect half the schools secrets and no one would ever know.

"What's the closest thing you have got to a happy memory, Riddle?" She asked. "And don't give me some bullshit answer like getting your Hogwarts letter."

"I wasn't going to, Marigold, do you really think so little of me?" He asked, and she rolled her eyes at him. He was currently surrounded by the smell of Honey.

"Don't be a shithead, riddle, I'm trying to help you." She said, "now give me a happy memory."

"I don't know, Marigold, I suppose yours will be with the family friend?" He said coldly. He felt regret nipping at the back of his skull when she looked down and out the window.

She shook her head before standing up, "Never mind, it's stupid." She said, before collecting her bag. And walking away.

Ophelia walked quickly until she was out of his eyeline and she sped walked to the nearest bathroom. She shut the door, her breathing hitching as tears escaped her.

She couldn't use any of the memories she had of him anymore, the memory of seeing his name in the death announcements would always over shadow them all. How she had fallen way faster than him. She was sixteen and he was about to turn eighteen. She thought he was perfect.

I mean he had a fucking boat. He had a brain. She shook her head. Ophelia would have to banish him from her thoughts. Easier said than done. Sometimes teenagers fall head over heels for someone they spend little time with, so everyone around them thinks it means nothing. When in fact to the teenager it is everything. Or at least most stuff.

Ophelia took a deep breath and left the stall, washing her face and drying it before leaving the bathroom.

She adjusted her book bag on her shoulder and walked into the library, looking for Sandra. She wasn't there.

Ophelia went into the fiction section nonetheless, picked up a book and began reading it, sitting down and leaning against the book shelf, cross legged.

When the bell rang she rushed to charms class to see Sandra sitting there, saving her seat, she smiled at the sight.

Oh, Ophelia | Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now