Chapter 6

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   I slept the whole 16 hour flight I was super excited to see Italy everything about it seemed so cool.Once we got of the plane a black limo awaited us how could I expect anything less from the Gallo's.

We got inside and Carlo instantly started making calls I played on my phone but I still hated this uncomfortable feeling sitting in the car with his family as they all stared at me as if I didn't belong.

His family rode in a different plane but got in the same car as us something about they flew commercial because they don't like drawing to much attention.

They seemed to be really popular in Italy and even in America there company was world wide on the drive I took it upon myself to search them up.

Paparazzi seemed to think that me and Carlo we're together weird because I don't remember seeing them at the mall but they were there taking pictures of our every step.

I was brought out of my thoughts when the car stopped I looked outside to see this huge mansion it looked like a castle and bodyguards filled its grounds with AK 47's. The door to the limousine opens and as I was stepping out the car I was pulled back in by Carlo.

I looked at him in confusion and he took a deep breath before speaking. "We need to set some ground rules before going inside."He stated his parents nodded in agreement "Because your an American and foreign to this country we need you to understand what would be acceptable in America won't be accepted here you seem like a fast learner so just follow what we do and you will be fine."I nodded in understanding "Keep in mind we did not agree with this spring break trip ,but are son insisted you go.Please don't make a fool out of my son many of his conquests have done so before and it ended very badly for them."His father stated coldly in America they were a lot more chill and opening but now that I'm on there soil it's like they are ready to kill me for even breathing the air they have been breathing for so long.

Maybe I'm just stupid for taking this trip in general not only did there son threaten to kill me but they did to what is up with this family and there obsession with my death?I got out the car as fast as I could and prayed that I could go back to America as fast I could but I knew that wasn't a option I was here now and there's nothing I could do.

After this I probably wouldn't see Carlo anyway I mean why would I his whole life is here and I'm just getting a taste of it.All of them got out the car and we got in the house I was directed to my own room were my luggage was stacked neatly on the bed."They work fast."I thought someone knocked on my door. "Hi Miss.Flores I Jas you maid please let me know if you need anything that will make you feel more comfortable at the Gallo estate.We are having lunch in 15 please dress appropriately."She said I did a quick nod and she closed the door in return.I went through my luggage for some clothes and I found this skin tight silk black dress I found at H&M I paired this look with some black Louboutins.Slicking my hair into a ponytail adding some diamonds to the look.My make up was pretty simple I touched it up with a red lip stick and I was done.

I walked out my door to find two security guards at my door. "Can one of you tell me where the lunch is going to be held ?"I questioned them they didn't respond.I started to wave my hand and say hey there they didn't even flinch. "They won't talk to you." Carlo explained I turned around to see him in a all black suit his hair jelled back. "Damn."I said out loud I instantly put my hand over my mouth.

He chuckled and grabbed my hand "You look beautiful as always."I blushed at him and we walked to we're the lunch will be held.It was this long wooden table that ran across this ballroom.

Many people started to pile in as we took are seats I noticed a chair at the very end fit for a king.We sat a few chairs away from it as the rest sat father away from us. "Maybe we should go down a little bit father."I whispered to him he shook his head and gave it a gentle squeeze. "We can't move it's the rules we all have a place we have to sit."I nodded not quite sure why they had so many rule but it had to be a good reason right?The gold doors opened and a older man with a older women at his side everyone stood up.

I followed like they did the older man took a seat in the throne like chair while the lady took a seat next to him.

Once they sat down he motioned for everyone else to. "Nipote, ti vedo le spalle con una ragazza che è lei?"(Grandson I see your back with a girl who is she?) He said I could only understand a little bit my mom was Italian but only taught me few words. "Nonno this is Hazel Flores my friend from America."He said "Welcome Miss.Flores I understand that you are staying for spring break."I nodded "Yes sir I am you have a beautiful home thank you for your hospitality."I said and smiled and held out my hand for him to shake he hesitated at first than took it everyone started at are exchanged in shock.

He clapped his hands and they brought out food and everyone decided to wait until Nonno gave the ok to eat.There was a lot of y'all in Italian I struggled a bit even with my knowledge I just decided to not listen and eat my food. "Hazel this is my sister Sofia."I smiled and was about to shake her hand when she pulled me in and kissed both my cheeks I wasn't sure what to do I just stood there frozen in place.

She giggled at my expression "That's how we greet each other in Italy."She said I did a quick oh and we started to talk about random things she didn't know a lot of English but she knew enough to have conversations with it was nice to not only talk to her brother for once.We excuses ourselves and went to walk around.

She showed me a few places told me about places I shouldn't go around the house.I noted them and didn't attempt to ask questions something told me not to.A group of men that look like guards but weren't started to scream at us in Italian one of them started to touch Sofia I immediately slapped his hand away. "Don't touch her."I gritted through my teeth he pushed me to the ground I got back off and punched him in the face he was knocked out cold I kind of expected that since I took a bit of self defense classes over the summer.

A few tried to tackle me but failed when they were all shot.I looked over to see it was Nonno holding his frightened granddaughter in one hand and a rifle what held in the other.This was my second time seeing death in front of my eyes first my mom than these random dudes.I lost my balance and the world grew black.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2020 ⏰

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