Chapter 2

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The next day my alarm woke me from my slumber.I got up and put my clothes on nothing to fancy just a grey hoodie and black ripped jeans.My eye wasn't so swollen so I decided to put makeup on the so that it's  bruise not noticeable at all.

I walked to school since UCLA wasn't that far from my house believe it or not although my mom was a junky my step dad is in some sorta gang that pays really well his dirty money allowed me to pay my tuition for the first semester.

I went to the cafeteria to grab breakfast this guy behind me was laughing really loud with his friends and I decided to turn around to see what was funny normally I wouldn't but it 8 in the morning and I'm not in the mood.He looked really familiar UCLA is pretty big collage but I know I've seen this man before.

"Don't I know you from somewhere?"I questioned him "I'm new here so no."He stated blankly and turned back to his friends continuing his conversation "What collage are you from?"I said he friend looked pissed at me "What are you the fucking feds why are you asking so many damn questions."He snapped I rolled my eyes as his rude ass

"Enzo smette di comportarsi come un cazzo la signora ha appena fatto una semplice domanda (Enzo stop acting like a dick the lady just asked a simple question)."He slapped him across the forehead "Sorry about my friend here his still learning how to respect people I went to a collage in Italy you probably won't know it but I can tell you all about it some other time away from my idiotic friends."

I nodded writing my number on a napkin nearby and gave it to him he pocketed it and that's how I relised who he was he was the guy from grocery store my glasses theif but I didn't let my face show I relised who he was I just smiled and got my food.

Classes where long and lunch was calling my name on my way to the dinning hall I start to think about the sunglasses thief and wondering why he took a man instead of cash his rude ass friend was probably there to.

I was knocked out of my thoughts with a tap it was him the sunglasses thief. "Would you like to have lunch with me?"He questioned I couldn't say no I mean I technically already agreed to this besides I will be on campus he can't kill me in a crowded room.

So I thought until we started walking to the school parking lot. "Which dinning hall are we going to."He did a chuckle as two black suv's pulled up "Where not where going to my place my my mom makes the best itiliono none of that fake stuff you Americans eat."He stated "Woahhh there pal it's the first day and I'm already meeting you're mom?"I shut my mouth almost instantly once I realize what I just said he grabbed the door and pulled it open for me. "I didn't mean date I me-.."He cut me off "I mean if you want to view this as are first date I'm fine with that."

I blushed at his unfiltered words and got in the car the car ride was silent once emerged got to his house it was gated men with rifles sormed his home. "Damn your parents must be very important people to have all the security."I started at this wonderful mansion in awe it gleamed in the sunlight "Something like that."He mumbled hell if robbers are getting paid this much to kidnap people I might ask to join the business.

We got out the car and he opened every door for me leading into his his house.Once we got to the dinning room I found a older lady setting the table.She smiled at me gripping me in a tight hug "You must be Carlo's girlfriend I've been waiting for him to bring a girl home."She said I blushed in embarrassment and I wasn't really sure what to say. "This is my friend from school." She smirked at her son "Whatever you say son you better take care of her she looks like a nice young lady."He pulled a chair out for me to sit in I sat down I complained he pushed me in and sat down.

"I just relised I'm on a date with a total stranger and I don't even know you're name."I said sipping on some water laid out before us he chuckled at my statement "You want this to be a date huh most girls don't even get the honor of meeting my mother.I'm Carlo Gallo and you are?"He questioned "Hazel Flores."We shook each other's hand and smiled at each other.His mom brought out a ton of food along with another lady older women who looked to be in her late fifth's she smiled and left.

We said grace and started digging in.There was a mass amount of food from vast amounts of different types of pasta,Caponata a egg plant dish,and of course amazing salad.

We talked for hours so much so when we decided to go back to school we soon realized class was over.We walked around campus not ready to leave each other just yet it's so much we had to learn about one another but that didn't stop the little voice in my head telling me I need to ask him about the robbery.

Little did I know he wouldn't be so willing to give up valuable information like that. "Why did you kidnap the man at the grocery store?"I questioned him he stopped in his tracks and didn't care to move. "What are you talking about?"He played dumb but I'm sure it was him no doubt about it "Don't play dumb with me I know it was you next time cover up your tattoos."

I said knowingly he pushed me up against a tree my back stinged from the force. "I don't know what you think you know but if you tell anyone about what you saw I'm pretty sure a robbery like that won't leave you alive next time."He said and walked off silence filled the campus only crickets to be heard in the distance I started to walk home.

    Once I walked in my mom sat in her chair staring at me. "Hi mom."I said shyly her head fell back I shook her violently but she wouldn't wake up.She was dead I held her corpse in my arms and cried in her shoulder.I dug into my pocket and dialed his number he mumbled hello into the phone.

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