Chapter 5

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After are little water fight I clearly won we headed back to the hotel room and ordered room service.We were watching TV when the phone rang Carlo picked up the phone and started yelling in Italian.He sounded frustrated and slamming the phone on the table it broke in pieces.I was in shock but it didn't last long because a knock sounded through the room.

I opened the door and the waiter brought in are food he left after setting up are food.Carlo stood on the balcony smoking a cigarette I walk behind him wrapping my arms around him. "You really should stop doing that you're killing your lungs."He chuckles and turns around ending the cigarettes life by stepping on it. "Your right la mia rosa it's a bad habit I can't seem to get rid of."He held onto my arms running his fingers across my scars.

"I used to do the same thing you know."He said showing me his scars they were covered in ink but still noticeable. "What stopped you?"I questioned him "I realized that there are something's worth more than death I hope you find that thing to."He kissed the top of my head guided me to the table to eat pulling out the chair for me to sit.We started eating are food in silence but I was curious. "What made you so angry on the phone?"I questioned him "Nothing for you to worry about just somethings I need to handle in Italy." He stated I nodded not knowing what that meant but his eyes told me not to push father.

After we were done we started the play chess he was good to good he beat me a few times he was a pro. "Oh my goshhh can you just let me win once."I groaned "As that what you really want."He grinned knowing good and well that's not what I wanted I shook my head and played with him for a few hours before the phone rang again he excused himself and started yelling more in Italian.

He laid his head in a pillow clearly frustrated I lauded next to him. Rubbing his back in a circle motion whatever it was it had to be bigger than me I couldn't help him. He sat up causing me to stop comforting him. "I have to go back to Italy tonight do you want to come with me?"He questioned me I was in shock but honestly I had nothing else to do this spring break.I bit my lip not really sure what I should say. "When will we be back."He smiled and pulled me in a hug.

"I think we will be back in a few days but it depends how bad business is going down there."He stated "What's going on maybe I can help I've been a business major for three years this is my forth."I said he shook his head "There's nothing you can help with it's something I have to do on my own."I respect that and continued watching tv a few minutes later tossed sweat pants and a t shirt on the bed . "We are going shopping put this on I agreed.

Once we got to the mall all I really wanted to do is find a cheap shop with cute clothes but Carlo Insisted we go to luxury places.I didn't have any money besides a hundred bill I always carried.

But Carlo wanted to buy everything necessary and unnecessary of course I tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen anything I touched or looked at for more then two seconds he was ready to buy.

We but a few suit cases for the trip and stashed the clothes in them for are trip.

I needed to talk to him one his spending habits were crazy and two I didn't want him to think I was going to run away with him forever to some far away country.

We were in the car driving to the airport were I decided to bring it up.

"Carlo I can't be in a relationship with you,you live in Italy my life is in Cali."I stated he nodded understanding I'm so happy I didn't have to argue with him or so I thought I wouldn't. "Three days."He stated I looked at him in confusion "Give me three days to prove to you that long distance won't be a problem."I rolled my eyes at his ego but I agreed.

Some may say that this was the moment my life would change forever but I believe it was the moment I first met him in the grocery store.Little did I know then and little did I know now that my whole world would turn upside down and I would fall for a killer named Carlo Gallo.

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