4 - Home Sweet Home

Start from the beginning

He winced and her brows lowering further. He waved her off quickly and said, "don't worry, I'm fine. It's just that- well- your hands-"

She pulled them away and leaned against the doorframe, her fingers knitted and hovering before thigh. "What do you want?"

"Well, it's my room so I should be asking you the same question." Emily flushed, knowing he was right. She had spent the last forty minutes or so exploring his room without any thought of the invasion of his privacy. She also had the displeasure of finding a black bra in his closet as well as a pair of shoes that were too small for his feet.

"Is your girlfriend okay with me being here?" She asked with a slight edge in her voice that confused them both.

"Oh, you found some of her stuff?" He asked, scratching the nape of his neck. "Well, well, well, I would never have put you down as the kind of girl to search through a guy's things. Noted. And correction; ex, not girlfriend. I'm very much single. Now c'mon, I made us dinner." He stretched out a hand to her and she rolled her eyes, about to place her hand in his when she hesitated. She rushed to the closet, found herself a pair of black leather gloves and slipped them on, proceeding to rush past him in a frenzy.

By the time he had slugged himself over to the kitchen, she was already attacking a plate of food. She looked up and wiped her mouth, staring at her laps. "Sorry. My mother would kill me if she ever saw me eating before the host takes a seat, I didn't mean to-"

"You're my friend. You can do whatever the heck you want, okay?" She scratched the back of her neck, wondering if he was alright with her borrowing a few of his shirts to try on and sniff a little since his logic was that their friendship meant she could do as she pleased. Deciding not to ask, she continued to shovel food into her mouth, glancing up at him.

"So... Tell me about your ex, huh? What was she like? I'm sure she was hot cos you would never pick anyone who wasn't so maybe tell me about her personality?"

"Rose is... Well, she's a lot like me. Around everyone, she puts up this wall of stoniness while I put up a wall of charm - which some may mistake for arrogance - to shield myself. Behind all that, she was actually very nice and fun but I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who's gotten to see it. She's the only other person I've had in the theatre rafters with me. She, too, is a bit of a theatre nerd."

"Wow. I honestly can't imagine you not being as sweet as you usually are. I know you can be a little full of it sometimes but when I look at you... All I see is a soft guy who is very passionate about getting what he wants and caring for others, to be honest."

The first time he had blushed around her, Emily had assumed he wasn't feeling too well. This time, however, she knew it was from embarrassment and cooed, pinching his cheek with a giggle. He moved her hand away with a flick of his wrist and she put her hands together, thinking out loud absentmindedly. "You two sound like you were made for each other, though," she began as she shoved spaghetti into her mouth. Glancing up at him with her mouth full, she mumbled, "mnd if I athk why you bwoke up?"

"Why so curious all of a sudden?"

"Well, I found one of her bras in your closet so you two must have been very... Close." Her nose crinkled at the thought and he let out an amused huff through his nostrils, clearing his throat when she punched his shoulder from the other side of the table. "C'mon, I'm curious and we said we wouldn't keep secrets so tell me, pwease?"

"If I tell you, do you promise to tell me what's going on with you?"

"I... Okay, fine. Just as long as you promise not to get worried or freak out."

"No problem." He was already worried and her asking him to make such a promise only freaked him out further. "I trust you so I'll start, kay?" She nodded twice and he grinned, "to cut a long story short, she lied to me. Call me a drama queen but-"

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