Chapter Two~The Second Encounter

Start from the beginning

But I tried searching history books, to find something that looked remotely like what was said in my head. I tried phonetically spelling it, but nothing came up on the internet. And every time this unidentifiable word would come into my head, a statement would follow it. It was a man's voice. I had never heard it. But it would say these words, that made a sentence that I could understand. Sort of.

It would say: "Children can hear it, sometimes. If their hearts are in the right place and the stars are too."

I never knew what it meant, still don't. I tried googling that too, thinking that maybe it was part of a poem. You know, something poetic and metaphorical. But nothing came up. I guess that means I'm on the train to crazy town. I tried to giggle at that, but I decided not to.

Walking down the street giggling at nothing, would definitely send me on the path to crazy. I arrived at Starbucks after 5 minutes and ordered my usual, another latte. I even ordered a chocolate chip muffin, how dangerous. I laughed, in my head. I stayed in the cafe and drank my latte. I got my laptop out of my bag and worked on my history assignment. Our newest assignment was Queen Elizabeth the first, also known as the Virgin Queen. Good on her.

It was strange. I searched her up. Then my WiFi, went down. "Excuse me? Do you have WiFi here?" I asked, smiling with my coffee raised to my lips. "Of course. It should be there. If you have any problems, call me over and I'll come and fix it." The man said. "Thank you." I smiled, before looking back to my laptop.

I clicked on my WiFi button and searched down the list, none of them said Starbucks' WiFi, but I saw one that had full bars, and no key. It was named: 'DUoNcItTo06r'. I assumed it was this one. "Found it, miss?" He asked, with a stray black hair cascading over his eye. "Yes, I think. Thanks." I said. I searched again, and it worked.

Then I noticed a painting of Queen Elizabeth I, stood next to a man, in dress of that day. But he looked so out of place. He had a smirk plastered on his face. It was strange, almost as if I had seen it before. But the man, I had never met him.

So, why did he feel so familiar? I clicked on the photo and it took me to a blocked site.

THIS PAGE IS BLOCKED BY THE UNIFIED INTELLIGENCE TASKFORCE. "Hmm. I guess I could always try breaking down some firewalls." I whispered, looking around to make sure no one could witness what I was about to do. Since I was a child I'd been excessively good at, well, everything. For some reason, things like that just crumbled down so they became bricks in my hands, ready to build something. Intelligence had always been my strength.

I began trying to hack into this website, but nothing worked. I tried numerous algorithms, and languages but it seemed all was lost. I closed my laptop lid, and sighed. I put it back in my bag. Suddenly, I got a phone call.


"Malia, where are you?" She asked, stuttering and panicked. "Sadie? What's wrong?" I gasped. "Something happened at college. Where are you? Are you okay?" She asked, crying. "I'm fine, I just went to Starbucks." I gushed. "You need to get back here." She cried. "Okay, I'm coming. Stay on the phone with me." I urged, as I threw my bag on my back.

I ran out the door. "What's happening?" I shouted. "I don't know, just get back here." I stayed on the phone with her as I heard her crying and panicking. I heard the distant screams over the phone. I took the shortcut through the back streets, still running to get to her. As soon as I got to the college I saw nothing. It looked fine.

I ran to the college, I couldn't hear anything from here, no screaming, no panicked voices. But through the phone I could hear it. So I ran further, until I got through the gates.

I'm Not A Child Anymore | Tenth Doctor x OCWhere stories live. Discover now