Abuse - Jisung X reader

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A little more concealer and that should do it.

I was getting ready to meet my friend, Jisung at our favourite cafe. It's been a while since we last spoke because he's been busy with his dance practices and my boyfriend rarely lets me leave the house.

He's working today and I snuck out to meet Jisung. I missed him so much I just couldn't turn down the opportunity.


I arrived at the cafe and looked around. I saw Jisung waving at me from the table in the far corner. The corners of my lips raised into a wide grin. I ran over to him and gave him a hug. He hugged me back and smiled.

J- "I missed you so much. It's been so long"

I started to sit down across from him.

Y/N- "I know I'm sorry I've been so busy. But what have you been doing all this time?"


Jisung POV

While immersed in our conversation I took a closer look at Y/N. She looks even more beautiful.

Her sleeve moved slightly which revealed her black and blue collarbone. It looked excruciatingly painful.

J- "Y/N? Are you sure your ok?"

She looked confused.

Y/N- "yeah I'm good. Why would I lie to you"

J- "I'm not sure. But I know your lying."

She looked even more confused and slightly worried.

J- "where did that bruise come from?"

She glanced at it before moving her top slightly to cover it. The movement was enough to raise her sleeve and revealed the many bruises that went right up her arm.

Y/N- "I fell. It's nothing to worry about. I'm fine"


Although I knew she was lying I decided to drop the topic as I knew that I wouldn't get anymore information out of her.


It's been about 2 weeks since I last saw Y/N. She invited me round for dinner tonight and I'm just standing outside of her door, waiting for her to answer.

After being let in we talked and sat at her dining room table.


I heard knocking on the door. But not just a regular knock. The person on the other side was full on punishing the door.

Y/N rushed me into her guest room and told me to keep quiet and told me not to open the door till she came back.


When the knocks started I automatically knew it was him, my boyfriend. I was petrified. I rushed Jisung into a random room and went to open the door.

When he entered the smell of alcohol was very prominent. He was drunk and I was going to die.

He started yelling profanities at me till I felt a harsh smack on my left cheek. Tears began to fall and he continued. Punching and kicking me till everything was blurry and nothing really made sense anymore.

After a few minutes he stopped.

Jisung POV

I watched in horror as the love of my life got absolutely throttled by the man in front of her. My mind stopped functioning and my body took over.

I walked over and pulled him away from Y/N. I couldn't focus properly, I was so angry. I punched him and punched him till I heard a slight whimper beside me.

My senses came back and I let go of the man before running towards Y/N and pulling her into a tight embrace.

The police where on there way and her boyfriend was completely knocked out.

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