Chapter 2

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"We should try this out on our friends to see if it's believable," Lance says, as the pair sits on the couch of their shared apartment.

"Whatever you want, babe," Kaith replies, eyes fixed on the tv.

"Oh, it's Pidge. Everyone's meeting up at Shiro's cafe," Lance says.

"Do we have to go?" Keith pouts, tearing his eyes away from the screen.

"Yes. C'mon baby. Please?" Lance asks, making puppy dog eyes. Keith groans and gets up to get his shoes, Lance grins and follows him out the door.


"So, Shiro. How's Adam?" Pidge asks, wiggling her eyebrows. Shiro blushes and gives her a look.

"How's Allura?" he shoots back.

"Great. Now answer my question," Pidge demands. Shrio turns a darker shade of red and fiddles with his prosthetic arm. Luckily, Keith and Lance walk in before Shiro has to answer.

"There the lovebirds are!" Hunk calls playfully, noticing their interlocked hands.

"Shut it Hunk. Shouldn't you be with Shay?" Lance says, turning pink. Keith snickers and gestures for Lance to get into the booth.

"OH MY GOD! THEY DIDN'T DENY IT! KLANCE IS CANON!" Pidge squeals. Keith makes that adorable confused face.

"It means true and proved," Lance mutters into his ear. Keith nods.

"What can I get you guys?" a waiter asks.

"A chocolate milkshake please, two straws," Lance smirks. Keith blushes and hides his face in Lances' shoulder. Pidge just about faints.

"Anything else?" the waiter asks, hiding a smile.

"Two chocolate cakes please," Pidge says. The waiter nods and walks off.

"You two are adorable," Matt teases as he slides into the booth.

"Thanks," Lance grins while Keith blushes harder. The waiter returns and sets the food down before walking off. Pidge hands one of her cake slices to Matt and the siblings eat their food. Before, they know it everyone's heading home.

"I think we're good," Lance mutter sleepily as him and Keith lay in Keith's bed. Keith hums and his eyes close even though his finger continue to work through Lance's hair. In a matter of minutes, both of them are asleep.

AN: Hey guys. In the story, Keith and Lance are 21, Shiro is 29, Hunk is 20, Pidge is 19, Matt is 20, Adam is 28, Allura is 20, and Coran is 34. Love y'all! Byyyyeeee!

Is It Fake? *Voltron Klance AU*Where stories live. Discover now