[Chapter 1] Alrein

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It's been around 2 years...

I am Alrein. A 37 years old retired who's now living a normal life supplying myself with nothing but potato chips and instant curry packages.

After losing everything I had, I decided to quit my job, excusing myself with a lame reason all because I wanted to protect my reputation, my pride and dignity, trying to hide the fact that I quitted my job because I didn't want to experience the same suffering. Losing my comrades and my lover, all because of my selfish decision, letting myself be consumed by greed.

Everyday, I roam around the outskirts of Trise, hoping to find something interesting to pass time while trying to forgive myself about the incident that happened 2 years ago.

One day, on the 12th of June 2802. Out of curiosity I decided to visit a sewer. A sewer really decrepit no one's taking care of it since six centuries ago. Covered with wild plants, vines, moss and bugs. Despite all that, I still decided to go there because I had a feeling. A strange one. Telling me that  I'll discover something that'll give me a reason to live.

The journey to the sewer from Trise was a long one. I had to cross some rivers, plantations and farms, all for the sole purpose of visiting an ancient sewer to satisfy my boredom.
It took some time, but after around approximately 4 hours of walking, I finally reached Berot.

Berot is a huge pipe of the sewer, possibly one of the biggest pipes to exist in Trise. I heard in some books that there's this weird cult that worships the sewer calling it the Pipe of Doom believing that it's a passageway to hell because of how pitch black, dark and long the pipe is.
I foolishly decided to explore the pipe after lighting a long wood plank to give me at least a little source of light before entering the pipe.

As expected, the water was slimy, muddy, similar to that of a paddy rice field's mud, except it's a hundred fold worse because it gives off a strong stench of human corpse. After a minute of walking inside of the pipe, quickly, the light from the outside of the pipe stopped reaching inside the pipe. The more I walked, the more dark it got. Inside the pipe, there were no source of light but my small torch giving only a small faint of light. The pipe was also filled with roaches, rats and wild plants, I even saw some mutated rats creeping out from the cracked wall of the pipes. There were barely any source of light which made it harder for me to see or notice the color of the rat, however, it truly looked like an abomination. After 3 minutes of continuous walking, I decided to pull back and head home. Until a boy in a ragged shirt approached me.

"Mister, please.. me... out of here..."  Begged the young man looking as if he's about to die of thirst and starvation.

After begging to my, the boy collapsed,  then, without asking any questions I carried him on my back all the way to the exit of the sewer. It took me a few seconds for my eyes to finally adapt to the surroundings after being in that dark pipe. 

The plank that I had earlier then was for me to indicate the current time. The stick's only giving off a small faint shadow. It must be around 12AM - 1PM right now...

The boy then rustled and woke up. 

For some reason everything still felt empty. Everything.

The boy I stumbled on the decrepit sewers woke up. He had a maple colored hair, long and messy filled with nasty ticks and fleas living on the top of his head feeding off his blood along with a household of louse camping on his skin. His eyes was dark green showing no hope nor expectations for the future. He's small in stature, thin, very. He was so thin he barely had no muscles or fats, his bones were visible throughout his whole body. The boy was definitely starving, almost about to die. His lips looked really dry to the point the skins of the lips hardened looking visibly white.

After realizing that I've been staring at him for a little while the boy raised his head and stared daggers at me. His eye pupil has a little point on the edges almost like a cat giving off feelings of jealousy.

Alrein, the decrepit sewer of Trise, a place that has been left abandoned for roughly six centuries. Filled with slimy, muddy water giving off a really stinky stench like a rotten corpse's, being the new home for rats and roaches. Possibly being the most nasty, dirty place on earth.

Was where I met the purest of human.

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