Members close to him and those around him left their things aside and stood behind him. They gave way to Mikoto and Totsuka who approached as well.

"That's weird..." One of the members commented.

"Are you sure this is right?" Totsuka questioned Kusanagi.

"Are you sure this is right?" Totsuka questioned Kusanagi

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Kusanagi breathed out through his nose. "I would never ask him to find it for me if I wasn't confident in his skills since it would be a waste of time and resources." He pushed his sunglasses higher up the bridge of his nose.

"But the pin is just beside the main road leading up to the central districts... Why would it be there?" Another member voiced out his concerns.

The pin was in an unusual coordinate.

A click of a tongue was heard and all's attention fell upon Mikoto. As he approached Kusanagi, the members gave way to him. Eyes trained upon the pin's location on the map, Mikoto stood back up straight. "Whether they are there or not. We will go." He moved out from the crowd, walking back to the coach he was sitting on previously. He picked up his coat jacket and slung it over his shoulder.

"Even if it is a hopeless clue in the end, for every clue that might seem to get us closer to them, we will take it. If it's a trap..." Sparks of flames flashed on the knuckle of his left fist before his aura manifested into reddish-pink flames, flickering around his clenched fist, "we will burn them all alive till there's not even a single speck of ash left."

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"Where is it..." Totsuka was diligently trying to find Kaiyo's phone.

Most of the members had left the bar to help in the task of finding the phone.

"Let me call again." Kusanagi took out his phone and called the number he had been calling repeatedly. As he did so, he was running another program; having it track the call's signal.

The sound of heavy footsteps walking by his side took his attention and Kusanagi turned to his left to see an irked Mikoto gnawing on a lollipop one of the members had given him. He had finished his pack of cigarettes without knowing and did not want to spend time getting a new pack. For it would waste valuable time in finding them, he said. Thus he accepted the lollipop, using it to curb his urge to smoke and ease his stress and anxiety.

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