Even If You Can't Bear It Forever.

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"Four." Leafy calls out from behind Four, holding a lovely accessory. "A flower crown!"

Four's eyes light up, shaped in hearts. "Pretty! Is it for me?" Leafy smiles, and laughs. "Who else?"

Four and Leafy's indistinct chatter were heard by anyone nearby, including Loser. He had stopped his research about this mystery girl, even though Leafy showed obvious signs of it.

Loser's just lying to himself.

Leafy had noticed Loser look at her and Four, and decided to approach him. She held the crown above his head and placed it gently there. "It looks great on you, Loser!"

Loser smiles, as he adjusts the crown. It fits perfectly. "Thanks." He muttered, as Leafy went back to Four, to chat even more. Driven by Leafy's kindness to him, he set on to the forest, searching for some lovely flowers for her.

In the end, Loser ended up making a gorgeous flower crown out of daffodils, carnations, and some roses.

They looked really lovely.

He waltzed to Leafy, and gently placed it on her. She seemed to be taken aback by his action, as he held her hand. Loser smiles warmly. "Now we're matching!"

"It's beautiful, thank you."

"Not a necessary compliment. You're already quite breathtaking, Leafy."

At this point, Leafy and Loser weren't just complimenting each other, in fact they're flirting.

And they know it.

Of course, the others seemed to be angry, especially Firey as he watches them waltz into the sunset. Cliche. It's annoying.

And the rest, with Four— oh, Four recorded it. He loved seeing his buddy smile despite all she's gone through. Hopefully Loser can be trusted. Flower and Ruby enjoyed the show too, as Ruby asks Flower when they can be like that.

Flower responds on their wedding. How romantic.

"How can you dance without the music?" Leafy laughs, as she glides along with Loser.

"I don't. I just imagine it's there and I move my feet?" Loser responds, holding her tightly.

Leafy giggles, a lively, cheerful voice. Enough to make Loser in awe. Loser hums a tune.

"What is that?" Leafy asks Loser, her head tilted.

"Sleeping Beauty."

As Loser hums the tune, Leafy sung the lyrics along.

"Mon Amour, je t'ai vu.."

The spring breezed from the trees.

"Au beau milieu d'un reve.."

The sun sets, the moon comes up. A full moon.

"Mon amour, un aussi doux reve.."

The stats shine too.

"Est un presage d'amour.."

They pause, and come to a stop.

The clock counts down to 10 seconds, as 6:00 P.M come nearby. Time passes too slowly.

Loser's mind comes to a halt.

One. Your Heart. I wish it didn't belong to anyone else.

Two. Your eyes. They sparkle like the universe, and I wish they would stop looking ay anyone else but me.

Three. The droplets of sweat on you. How long have we been dancing and never letting go?

Four. Four. He's happy, taking pictures of us.

Five. Five people, eyes piercing our backs. Does it hurt? Do you want me to protect you?

Six. 10 seconds until 6. Dinner time. Can we sit next each other?

Seven. The rest. They're watching, and smiling. Adoring.

Eight. Eight letters, just for you.

Nine. I picked out nine pieces of flowers for you, for your crown.

Ten. Ten fingers. All of those, intertwined with mine. I don't want to let go. I can see all your emotions. Your heartbeat— it's too fast. Your hands are warm, your breathing is shallow. Yet you still smile, and look straight in my eyes.

"Leafy, I really l—"

A camera flash.


"A perfect photo!" He exclaims, and Leafy peeks in Four's photo,

But she didn't let go of his hands.


Dinner time.

"Leafy, would you mind if we sat next to each other?" He invites, hoping she'd agree. Leafy, being the person that she is— never being able to neglect, accepted his invite. "Okay, Loser. Let's eat together."

He smiled. "I'd love to."

That night, Loser ate a lot.

Because under the table, Leafy was keeping his hand warm.

(This was literally a Loseafy chapter and i dont regret it)

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