Chapter 8: Trust that Turned to Dust...

Start from the beginning

"I know that you won't visit me if you're only going to start teasing. I could tell that there's something bothering you."

"It's just that, I'm wondering when you were going to tell me about you and the Princess being chased by someone."

I froze from what Hak said, the other cut off ribbon pieces that were in my hands fell back on the desk as I was placing it in my small trash bag. I stood up straight as I slowly turned around to be met by Hak's stern expression. I gulped as I didn't expected that he'd react this way, my tounge was basically frozen since I couldn't say a single word.

"You could start off by telling me why you didn't let the guards that you met get punished by the King or removed from their duties as guards that night."

"What do you mean? You know that I don't do those kinds of things."

"Says the one that made three guards kicked out of the Castle when she saw them flirt with the Princess."

"I don't know what you're talking about Hak."

"(Y/N). That just happened four hours ago."

I gave a long sigh as I knew that there was no way that I could lie to Hak any longer. Besides, he knows me so much that he'd know what words that could make myself spill the truth immediately.

"I just can't explain it, okay? It just feels like it wasn't something that I was supposed to decide, it felt like someone else should decide something like that for them." I bit my lower lip as I became frustrated again.

I knew that what Hak mentioned was something weird for me to do, but I also genuinely didn't knew why I did what I did. Maybe it was because I felt pity for them. Maybe it was because they could be innocent. Maybe it was because it all happened in front of Soo-won and Yona. I just don't know why.

"It's alright if you don't believe me. Heck, I don't even believe me." I said as I gave a dry laugh at what I told him.

"I know you're telling the truth, it's just... I know that it's not something you would do. That's why I'm here asking you about it."

I noticed that the tension in the air lessened, telling me that Hak might've been concerned about my doing. I then felt bad since I didn't want him to worry about me, he already has a lot on his plate, adding my problems is just a burden and a waste of time. I carefully took the gift before throwing away all of the garbage left on my desk and gave Hak the most brightest smile that I could make, not showing him that it was fake.

"It's alright, you don't have to worry about what happened. I've already made sure that all of the other guards keep an eye on them. So you really do not need to worry about it." I said as I tried to dismiss the conversation we just had immediately, not wanting to discuss it more.

"Anyway, do you know where Yona-hime is? I want to give her my present since as you know, I just finished and would like to give it to her right now." I kept my smile on Hak, trying to change the subject.

Hak opened his mouth to speak, but instantly closing it as he gave a short sigh. He then opened the door and walked outside, making me follow behind him. But he did not went anywhere except outside of my door.

"The last time I saw her was before I got here. She was inside with the guests then, but when I left, I saw her go into the garden. So I suggest you go look for here there." Hak said as he pointed to the direction of the garden.

"Alrighty then. Thank you Hak." I nod as I gave him a genuine smile this time, which he replied with a nod of his own.

I quickly ran to the location of the garden, making sure that the present in my hands was secured and that I wasn't ruining it by just running. A few minutes passed by and I was already at the entrance of the garden, catching my breath as I made sure to wipe off any sweat from my forehead with the sleeve of my light (F/C) kimono since I didn't want Yona to think that I ran for my life here to just give her present. I walked inside and started to mentally prepare myself for what I would say to her. I could see that she was on one of the benches in the garden, plucking petals off a rose in her hand. I guess she still plays that petal game that love sick people do. The thought made me smile as I found it quite cute for her. I slowly walked towards her as I made sure that the gift was behind me so she couldn't see it.

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