Aurelion was the heir to the Ducal.

On the other hand, Neo had the luxury to not be chained down by the responsibilities of the Odum Family.

His duties in the Modern World were not equivalent to his duties here.

Life could be easy for a Duke's son, but it could also be even more difficult in ways no one can imagine, especially if you're the heir.

It is time for Neo to act like an Odum and leave behind his past duties in the Modern World.

Making connections, creating bonds and ties, assisting his brother in ascending to his place as the next Duke—they were the duties he should have been responsible for in his last lifetime.

Neo swallowed down the crawling urge to escape them. The tell-tale signs of longing to go back were quickly repressed.

Beneath all that internal monologue, there was still grief in his heart.


He'd lived a good life.

Hopefully, Clark would find his notes and distribute the vaccine to the rest of the world.

As for his parents... he could only hope they won't be too upset by his death.

He had no other regrets besides that.

No regrets at all.

Someone knocked at the door.

"Young Master, please excuse the intrusion." Rainer's voice could be heard from the other side.

Punctual as always, according to the clock on the wall striking eight, exactly.

The door opened.

The first thing Neo spotted was a jar of bright yellow dandelions in the servant's arms.

He watched as Rainier placed the jar next to the window and parted the curtains, letting in the morning light.

He opened the windows next, allowing the distinctive smell of flower trees to enter the room, along with chilly spring air.

Neo shivered as a breeze flew past.

One thing he hated about mornings was the chill. He always felt a deep chill in his body whenever he woke up. 

Sadly, the moment he saw Rainier heading towards his closet, Neo knew it was his cue to crawl out of bed.

He did so reluctantly.

Sitting down in front of the mirror, he saw the state of his hair. It was a bit of a mess, but at least he didn't look like that one girl who fell down a well in that horror movie he was forced to watch with some of his colleagues.

It might not look as neat as did the day before, but he thought he did pretty well with his haircut.

Clark always assume he didn't have the ability to take care of himself, but he did. Alright, Clark? He did.

What did the guy even think he was? A plant? Sure, he was a bit of a workaholic, but he was raised to be a somewhat functioning human being.

He could take care of himself just fine when he got the chance.

"Is there anything the Young Master would like to wear today?"

Rainier brought him out of his musing.

The servant was arms deep in his closet and seemed close to picking out the most colorful-looking article of clothing he could find.

Neo shook his head vehemently.

The Reincarnated Villainous Young Master's Guide to HappinessWhere stories live. Discover now