Because, Always & Forever

Depuis le début

They both herd Elena come down the stairs "Jenna what are you doing"

"Oh perfect timing" the strawberry blonde replied handing the doppelgänger the boxes. "I got rope into helping Mrs. Lockwood and by roped, I mean very excited to participate" she shouted the last part, while closing the door revealing Elijah and Ryland to the doppelgänger.

She let out a surprise gasp "hey I'm Elijah"

"And I'm Ryland" they said re-introducing themselves

Jenna smiled taking the boxes from her niece "Elijahs in town doing research on mystic falls, Ryland is his assistant" she introduced walking away giving Elijah the chance to scare the girl more 'Its a pleasure" hold out his hand for a hand shake. Hesitantly Elena shook it.

"You both are welcome to stay here and rummage through this stuff, or Elena and I could help you load it into your car" Jenna said not noticing the tension between the three

"Yeah, or I can get someone to pick it up tomorrow."

"That also works" Jenna said leading both Ryan and Elijah out.

"Thank you some much for inviting us into your lovey home Jenna" Elijah said to the oblivious aunt. As soon as Elijah and Ryland were out the door, the original grab Ryland whisking her up to Elena s room. Elijah told her to stay there why he got Elena. She responded with a simple nod taking in the surroundings it looked like a basic teenage room four walls a bed, pictures of friend. Ryland was almost envious of Elenas normal life.

Elijah was back in the room doppelgänger in tow Elena looked at the blonde "who are you" she questioned with furrowed brows wondering what a teenager was doing with an original.

"I'm Ryland its a pleasure to meet you Elena" she held her hand out for a handshake. Elena took it still not getting the answer she wanted. They soon all settled in the room.

" I mean your family no harm" the original spoke looking out the window.

"Why did you kill those vampire when they tried to take me." Ryland felt her questions was stupid, he obviously didn't what her to be taken.

"Simple I do not wish for you to be taken. Klaus is the most feared and hated of the originals, but those that fear him are desperate for his approval, if word gets out that the doppelgänger exists there'll be a line of vampires eager to take you to him and I can't have that. He responded.

Isn't that exactly what you're trying to do?" She accused. Ryan balled her hands into fist to stop her self from lashing out on the teenager. She hated when some questioned her friend unless it was her. Elijah notice her uneasiness and gestured her to come to him.

"Let just say my goal is not to break the curse" he said vaguely taking Ryan's hand to calm her down, her temper always reminded him of Klaus's.

"So what is your goal" she continue to interrogate.

"Klaus' obsessions have made him paranoid. He's a recluse, he trust only those in his immediate circle." was Elijahs response.

"Like you" the blonde grew more angry

"Not anymore"

The doppelgänger crosses her arms an glares down at Elijah "how do I know you're telling the truth"

That was the blonde breaking point "if he wasn't telling the truth then your family would be dead with the snap of my fingers and we would be off the Klaus land" she said glared dangers at the brunette.

"Yes Ryland is quite right, I'm here to make a deal do nothing live your life when the time come will draw out Klaus together and I shall make certain your friends remain unharmed." replied drawing circles on Ryland hand in order to calm her

"Then what"

"Then I kill him" Ryland squeezed his hand in support know this wasn't going to be easy for him.

"Elena, Elijah is a man of his word, when he makes a deal he keeps a deal" Ryland response to the unsettling look on the doppelgängers face.

"How can you keep everyone safe?"

" You're no stranger to magic as you're friends with Bonnie, you see I have friends that have similar gifts together we can keep everyone safe." Elijah responded

"You know Witches" the brunette figured out. He hummed in agreement

"So do we have a deal" the original said looking hopeful

"I need you to do one more thing for me" she responded

We're negotiating now?" he said amused a slight smile on his face.


The duo was currently at the tomb to release Stefan. Elijah nodded to his friend telling her to preform the spell within second the spell was released and they walked in.

"You're release has been requested" Elijah told the ripper.

"I can't leave its spelled shut" the ripper tried to explain.

"Don't worry the spell has been undone you can leave" Ryland explain.

"who are you" Stefan said confused by the pretty blonde that stood with the original.

" I'm Ryland its nice to meet you Stefan but I do believe you have a girlfriend at home waiting for you" Stefan gave her a nod already liking her. Katherina tried to speed past the suited man but never got the chance as she was instantly compelled to stay in the tomb.

Rylan held out her hand Elijah "come on I need to sleep for six year" causing Elijah to laugh taking her home to there apartment .

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A Different Type of Wolf// N.M Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant