Chapter Ninety-One

Start from the beginning

"Let him carry you my love." I hear Daenerys say.

I nod, my world feels light and my vision blurs. He must be carrying me, but I don't feel it.

"Get a healer. Now." I hear Daenerys say to someone.

"My... dragon?" I'm going to faint.

"I'm here my love."

I hear Daario scoff. "My dragon? "She calls you "my dragon?"

That's the last thing I hear before losing conciousness.

I awake when I feel sharp pain in my leg.

My eyes shoot open to see a healer stitching my leg wound and Daenerys holding my hand. I'm in my room, laying on my bed.

My leg screams in hot pain as a healer weaves a needle in and out, and I have to hold back a scream.

Daenerys holds up a small cup of white liquid. "Here love, milk of the poppy."

Daario stands behind her, looking down at me.

I breathe in deeply, looking at him and then her. "No. I'm fine."

She sighs. "Your shoulder still has to be cleaned and sewn too Nyla. Drink it."

I breath in and out. "Ahh... your presence is enough, I'll be fine."

Daario rolls his eyes and I chuckle.

Daenerys glares at him and then at me. "Nyla Firebearer. You do not have to prove anything to Daario Naharis, and you defenetly dont have to prove anything to me. Drink. It."

I sigh but take a little sip from the cup.

This is good enough for Daenerys. "Daario, check on Grey Worm for me."

He nods. "As you command."

Some of the pain slips away slowly.

Daenerys shakes her head. "I will never understand you Nyla."

I take her face in my hand. "I'm sorry Daenerys..."

The healer clears his throat awkwardly. "I've finished with her leg your grace."

Daenerys nods. "On your stomach Nyla. He has to clean and sew your shoulder now."

I nod and slowly turn onto my stomach with her help.

I look at her while resting my face on the pillow. She looks like a goddess. Worry covers her face.

"I sang for your people your grace." I say, trying to ignore the buring sensation at my shoulder as the healer cleans my wound and starts to sew it.

She squeezes my hand. "Oh? I didnt know you could sing."

"Me either. But Ser Barristan said I should, and it just sort of happened. My ancestors must of shown me the song. I've never even heard it before."

Talking helps distract me from the pain, and looking at her expressions and her mouth as she talks doesnt hurt either.

"You'll have to sing it for me sometime." She smiles.

"Its a sad song... its about wanting to go home. I think its about the Targaryen's wanting to go back to Old Valeryia."

"Do you miss home my love?" She asks.

"Whenever I'm with you, I'm home." I say.

She smiles and blinks back tears. "Oh Nyla..."

The healer steps back. "I've finished your grace." He says in Valyrian.

She looks up at him. "Thank you. She'll be alright?"

He nods. "It will scar. But she will be fine. Change the bandage every day. Keeps the area clean. Do not walk to much or move in anyway to stretch or break the stitches. The stitches should be able to come out in two to four weeks. I can come every few days to check on her if you wish your grace. For now, she should rest."

She nods. "Thank you very much."

He bows and leaves the room.

"You hear that Nyla? No training, no running, no nothing until its healed." She says sternly.

I groan. "I'll go mad without being able to train."

"I don't care. Read a book or something."

I sigh. "Daario will never let me live this down."

She chuckles softly. She looks at me for a long time. "I'm glad you're alright. I couldn't live without you."

I gently roll back onto my back and lean up against some pillows.

"I would never leave you Daenerys."

She leans in and kisses me softly.

She pulls away. "Rest. I'm going to check on Grey Worm."

She leaves my room and as soon as shes gone I drink the rest of the cup of the milk of the poppy.

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