Tragedy (No Spoilers)

Start from the beginning

"You'll be alright," Gina soothed as Anne-Maria explained what she saw to the operator.

Leroy knew the difference between the twins because Kelly had a scar on her face from getting in a fight with a Canadian exchange student her freshman year (A/N: the exchange student happens to become her husband later on).

"Kelly's always been a tough fighter. I've always been the healing type. It's strange, isn't it?" She asked.

Despite their differences, Gina and Kelly were really close.

"What happened?" The chemistry teacher asked, staring at her room is dismay. "I was only gone for ten minutes!"

"Kelly! Stop it!"


"Language, Miss Avery," The teacher scolded, grabbing Kelly's collar and pulling her up.

Gina helped Leroy up at the same time, but he noticed how she winced when his acid-covered hand gripped hers.

'I'm sorry," He said.

She just waved it away and wiped her hand on her jeans (don't do what she did, always always wash your hands when dealing with chemicals).

"What happened, Mr. Flynn?" She asked, examining his body and pushing him to the emergency shower.

"You look like you've been covered with fire," She added.

"Close. Lots of acid," Leroy replied.

She looked at the empty vials and her mouth opened in shock.

"These are dangerous and should be used wearing only the strongest protection! Oh, you boys are in trouble," The teacher said. "And you hurt Leroy much more than how much Kelly hurt you."

"Yeah!" Kelly exclaimed, punching him again.

"That was not an invitation to throw another punch, Kelly,"

The teacher turned on the emergency shower and asked Anne-Maria when the police would arrive.

"Are you ok, now, Leroy?" Gina asked, ignoring everyone else.

'I'm sorry, I did what I could, but I wasn't sure what to do when someone douses another person in chemicals," Gina said.

"Thanks, Gina. It certainly helped," Leroy said.

"If those jerk bags ever hurt you again, you know who to call," Kelly said, punching the air.

"Thanks, Kelly," Leroy said. His body still hurt, but he also felt powerful, and was able to ignore the pain.

He watched as the two girls left the room, shortly after the teacher dragged the two bullies tackled by Kelly to the principal's office by their ears.

Anne-Maria escorted him to the school entrance, where the ambulance showed up minutes later. Leroy was taken the hospital.


Ever since then, Gina made a point to smile and wave at Leroy every time she saw him.

Leroy knew how he looked. The chemicals messed with his face pretty bad. He was a monster.

But Gina never made him feel like he was ugly or less of a human being because of the accident.

Kelly was impulsive and had a strong instinct to protect. Gina was more nurturing and caring. Though he liked Kelly and appreciated her for stepping in before the bullies could do more damage, he had a crush on Gina. Kelly was pretty, as was Gina, because they looked almost the same, but Gina's personality seemed to draw Leroy in.

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