Confronted By The Bad Boy

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Stephen James as Jake Cantelli
Song: They Call Me Tiago by Tiagz

The rest of the day passes, and I'm currently putting things away in my locker. When I shut the door, I jump, not expecting Jake to be leaning against Dani's locker. His arms and ankles crossed, as he looks at me.

"Can I help you?" I ask, a little too rudely. He chuckles and stands up straight, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"I see why everyone thinks the queen bee Emma Carter is a bitch, but I see through the act," he tells me. I scoff, my turn to cross my arms.

"Is that so?" He smirks, and steps closer to me. I take a step back, my back hitting the locker, and his smirk widens.

"Do I make you nervous, princess?" he questions, an eyebrow raised, his Italian accent coming through when he says princess.

"No, I just don't like people in my personal space. Especially people I don't know. Like you. Back off," I snap at him. My real reason is because whenever I'm cornered it's usually my dad about to hit me.

"Retract your claws, gattino (kitten). I just wanna talk." He shrugs, making my narrow my eyes at him. Gattino?

"Why?" He rolls his eyes, taking a step away from me, and I instantly miss his warmth for some reason.

"Figured you'd wanna know what shit Walker was talking. But, I guess not." He shrugs and starts to walk away. He has long strides, making me jog to catch up with him, when I finally decide I do want to know.

"Wait." I catch up, and grab his arm. He looks down at my hand as we stop walking. I quickly let go, dropping my hand to my side. He raises an eyebrow at me, and clears his throat.

"Yes?" he questions, his smirk slowly returning.

"What did Brian say about me?" I ask, looking down at the floor. When he doesn't say anything, I look back up, and see his eyes narrow at me. "What?"

"You're not who everyone thinks you are," he randomly comments, then clears his throat before I can say anything. "He said he hooked up with you in Florida over winter break, you fell in love with him, and he cheated on you with your best friends. Both of them."

"Ugh. That piece of shit. I would never let him anywhere near my pants. Neither would my best friends. And I sure as hell would never fall in love with him."

"He's a real stalker if he knows where you spent winter break," he comments.

"For real, though. He's always watching me and knows where I'm going. He's a fucking creep."

"I'll handle that. Don't worry about him anymore," he says, continuing to walk again. I quickly catch up to him, not understanding what he means.

"What do you mean, you'll handle it? And what happened after the fight? I haven't seen him, but you're still here."

"I mean, that I'll handle it, princess. And he got suspended for a week, I was defending your honor, so I got off easy." He smirks.

"I'm not really comfortable with you 'handling it', so maybe it's best I don't know," I sigh. "But thank you, again, for defending me. Even if you don't even know me."

"I don't have to know you to defend you." And with that, he walks away, and I don't follow.

I turn and walk towards where my car is parked, and get into my Range Rover. I'm praying my dad is at work this evening, so I don't have to deal with him. It's been an exhausting day already, not adding him to the mix.

When I pull into the driveway, I'm relieved to see his parking space empty. His black truck nowhere to be found. Thank the lord! I hop out of my car, and walk up to the house. The door isn't shut all the way. He was probably loaded when he left, and didn't shut it all the way.

When I step inside, glass crunches under my feet. I look up, and see the house completely trashed. What the fuck? Hurrying back outside, I notice a black car parked across the street. A guy gets out, and walks over to me. I have my keys and pepper spray in my hand, completely terrified.

"Can I help you?" I ask, my voice coming out shaky. He gets really close to me, pulling a switchblade out of his pocket.

"Yeah, you can, mama. Tell your piece of shit dad that he owes the Don. If he doesn't pay, the house won't be the only thing fucked up." He has a thick Italian accent, and presses the knife to my throat, and for a second, I hope he delivers.

"If you think threatening my life will make him pay, you clearly don't know my dad." I laugh humorlessly, feeling the blade push further against my skin, but not piercing it.

"Tell him what I said, or you're dead anyway," he sneers, then walks away.

I let out a deep breath, and drop to my knees after he drives away. What the actual fuck is my dad involved in? And how the fuck am I supposed to tell him what that guy said?

With a sigh, I push myself up, and walk into the house, finding a place to start cleaning. He's gonna be so pissed when he gets home, and I know exactly where he'll take his anger out. Me. So this place has to be spotless, and he can't know they were in here at all.

Four hours later, the house is mostly back to normal. I decided to download one of those texting apps, and send him a text, acting as the guy out front earlier. I even add the part about 'the Don', whoever the hell that is. Then, I delete the app, so he never knows it was me who sent it.

I decide on a shower, so I step into my bathroom, and strip out of the clothes I wore today. I start the shower, making it as hot as I can stand it, to relieve my muscles and the pain he's caused me. Using my vanilla body wash, I wash myself and shave, then use my strawberry shampoo and conditioner to wash my hair.

When I'm done, I step out, and wrap a towel around my hair, and one around my body. I dry my hair with the towel as much as possible, then put on fresh underwear, sweats, and a tank top, and hop into bed. It's been a long ass day, and all I want, is to sleep.

Sleep that always brings the nightmares.

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