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Andhalia is home to around  ethnicities: the Taoh, the Nham, the Sanchoi, the Kaigonese, the Ui, the Nyamushk, the Ma'andians, the Sal, and the Kiwanese. Each ethnicity speaks their own language but Taoh (the Kyim variety) is seen as the official language. Local media can be published in the respective local language but all national media must be in Taoh. Students usually learn their local language in primary school but start learning Taoh in secondary school. Each student has one class where only Taoh is spoken or studied.
Taoh speaking students can choose another national language of their choice.

There are different varieties of Taoh known as synma. They are recognized as separate different languages. They are: Kyim, Phô, Tha, Hse, Gathô, Mū, and Dakhû. Kyim is the official language of Andâ since it is the language of the government which is located in Thebbu, the capitol of Andâ.

Andalia (Andâgon)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz