Amelia is furious about the happy family James is recreating with his ex-wife and children but she has her own problems to deal with.  She put the hitman up in their penthouse in Columbus Circle.  He’s been tracking Logan’s whereabouts but Amelia is nervous about him taking Logan out.  She tries to convince the hitman that Logan will stay in hiding he won’t be a threat to them.  The hitman is adamant that he needs to take Logan out because Logan can identify him. 

Amelia fears that her already well known relationship with Logan will lead a trail back to her if he is suddenly killed.  She was angry with him at the time for being a coward.  She now regrets her hasty efforts to get rid of him.  She needs him now to help her get the hitman out of her life.  The hitman’s constant mentions of Kara is making her nervous.  She decides to try to find Logan on her own, maybe she can make a new deal with him.     

The Hurst brothers have returned to work on Monday with Lester recuperating at Nana Rita’s house.  They have an investor’s meeting this morning.  Construction on the mid-town project started up again early this morning.  The noise and construction site equipment everywhere is keeping some customer’s away from Santino’s.  

Alexandra’s law firm was able to petition the court to make Kara’s fathers last will binding.   A court date has been given to the parties involved.  The Hurst brothers are hoping everything they are doing is enough to stop the bleeding of investors. 

While Kara is at work all day Braylin is using Conner to help detective Farrow track down Alexandra.  Conner is in Staten Island questioning some of the people in the restaurant.  Detective Farrow is checking out a lead he was given on Alexandra’s whereabouts. 

It’s been a slow day, Kara decides to let everyone go home and close up.  She wants to clean the ovens feeling comfortable enough again to be left alone in the restaurant.  Casey is the last one to leave.  Zain shows up to pick him up. 

“Hey how are you doing now that you’re not working for my mother anymore?”  She ask him. 

“I worry about what to do next.  I got questioned again today by the detective assigned to her case.  I’m sorry, I realize this makes me a snitch.  I’m grateful to Braylin for working out a deal with the police to keep me out of jail.  I was so naïve and gullible when it came to her.  She was my employer and I was just following the orders she gave me I didn’t know she had me involved in extortion   I’m glad the Hurst family is helping me, but I know it won’t last and I’ve got to find a job.”  Zain innocently explains.

“Wait….what did you say…..what investigation, she’s involved in extorting who?”  Kara is puzzled but deep in her heart she knows someone needs to look into the things her mother is doing. 

Zain is shocked and embarrassed.  “I…ah….I’m sorry.  I thought you knew.  A police detective and another guy, I think he’s a PI for Mr. Hurst, they showed up at the condo this morning.  They asked me some questions about your mother and her friend Mr. Spector.  I talked to them for a couple of hours." 

“I see.  My mother and Logan….Mr. Spector are close friends?”  Kara questions. 

“Well….I don’t know what their exact relationship is.  I’d say yes, they are friends but he’s also some type of business partner too.  She wrote him checks for things…..I’m sorry I didn’t know, now I don’t feel comfortable talking about this with you.”  Zain replies.

“I’m sorry……I don’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.  I’m just trying to piece it all together and I didn’t know she was that close to Logan.  You don’t have to say anymore if you don’t want to.”  Kara comments. 

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