"Hello?Y/n speaking"

"It's Gakushu. Meet me at the cafe near the train station after school.I have something to tell you regarding the quiz bee."He then ended the call and I went back to our classroom.Kaede borrowed my notes in math to copy it since she wasn't able to take down any.

The day flashed by in a blink of an eye and I was about to go down the mountain when a certain demon blocked my path.

"So Y/n-chan , why don't we do our project now?"Karma said.

"I'm meeting up with someone right now so I can't.Besides we have our phones remember?Just give me your number and we'll talk about it later.We're not exactly required to do the assignment with each other.We just need to cooperate and distribute the work."I handed him over my phone waiting for him to enter his number.After he entered his number I immediately went down the mountain and made my way towards the cafe.

I opened the doors of the cafe to be greeted by the strong scent of coffee.

"You're five minutes late"

I rolled my eyes in annoyance when I heard Asano's voice and sat down in front of him.

"You didn't give me the exact time.You just told me to go after school , if I wanted you to suffer I would've gone here an hour late since that's technically still 'after school'"I said with annoyance in the tone of my voice.

"Well regarding the quiz bee , it will take place in a five star hotel.We're gonna be staying there for five days..but since weekends are included we're gonna be gone for almost a week.First day we have the elimination round, second we have the semi finals, third we have the finals , and fourth as the awarding ceremony.That is if we even have an award"He explained.

"Wait so we can't join the school getaway?"I asked with disbelief.Well there goes my negotiation with the principal..It was free too!T^T

"No but—"

"Ne Y/n-chan you could've told me you were going on a date with...him"Gakushu and I turned our heads to see Karma.

Did he follow me here?

"Oh I'm sorry was I interrupting something?~"Karma asked with a smirk plastered on his face.

"No you weren't Akabane.Well L/n that's all I needed to tell you, I 'll be taking my leave now." Karma and Gakushu glared at each other first before leaving.

Karma and I exited the establishment and I immediately punched his shoulder.

"The hell is wrong with you?!"I asked.

"Eh?Kayano said this is yours , she forgot to give it to you so I volunteered to give it back.Aren't I such a caring partner?"He handed me the math notebook Kaede borrowed which I gladly snatched out of his hands.

"Since we're already here might as well do our project.My house is near so I hope you don't mind we do it at my place."I said.He followed me with no sign of protest.

After about 10 minutes of walking Karma and I reached my house.

"I must say this is quite a big house Y/n-chan"I rolled my eyes at him and entered my house.

"Mom!I'm home!I also got a classmate with me,We're gonna do our project!"I greeted.

"Ok darlin—IS THAT A BOYYY???!?!?"My mom immediately ran at full speed at our direction and greeted Karma with a smile.

"Aren't you one handsome fella!Gotta ask tho why would you choose my daughter to be YOUR girlfriend?I know she's smart and beautiful..she got it from me, BUT you can do better!Seriously there are hundreds of beautiful girls out there yet you chose this lazy ass bit—"

"That's enough mom.We get it."I said cutting off her statement.

Karma laughed at my mother's action and slightly bowed to greet her "It's a pleasure to meet you too Mrs. L/n"

"Why he's polite too!Y/n what kind of potion did you made him drink to date you—"I grabbed Karma's arm and dragged him upstairs to my room.

"Your mom seems to like me a lot."He said while smirking.

"She likes everybody Akabane, don't feel so special."I said.

"Meow~"Karma turned his head to my bed where Luna has been sleeping.That darn cat...I wish we could switch bodies so I can sleep all day.

We were able to finish the project in an hour though we could've finished it earlier if Karma wasn't always playing with my cat.

"Now do you kids want some snacks?"My mom asked.


"Now don't be silly darling, you should be kind to your boyfriend"She said while smiling.

"He's not my boyfriend.."I said while trying my best to contain my anger inside my petite body.

Stay calm Y/n.

You were inside her womb for 9 months..




Although it is her fault why she got pregnant in the first place!

"Eh??He's a boy and he's your friend which makes him your boy friend!"My mom said while clapping her hands and praising herself because of her genius excuse.

"That is true Y/n-chan~"Karma said supporting my mom's statement.

"You're not my friend Akabane.We're just classmates who happened to be paired up for this project.Not because you're my seatmate and we belong in the same class means we're friends.You're just my acquaintance." I explained while browsing my laptop.

"Y/n you're no fun!"My mom said before marching out of my room.

"We're not friends Y/n-chan? I'm a little hurt:("Karma said while pouting his lips.

"Oh shut it—"


A flash of bright light blinded your eye sight and to your surprise you were inside an unfamiliar place, it looks similar to your bedroom but it's quite messy and their were posters all over the wall..it looks like a teenager's average room.

This isn't my house.

I scanned my surroundings looking for any sign of Karma but he was nowhere to be found.

What the hell is happening?


"Hey Y/n-chan!"


"You were spacing out.Anyways like I said earlier , if you don't see me as a friend then I'll make sure I'll be your friend...or maybe even more than friends~"Karma said teasing you.

Was I hallucinating?

Man I'm pretty sure I ain't high..Maybe I just lack sleep.

"Whatever suits your cup of tea Akabane.I could care less."I said.

"Then that settles it Y/n-chan..I'll make sure that you'll see me as a friend."

After Karma's little rant about being my friend , which I totally did not expect especially coming from him , we bid our farewell and I proceeded with my day.

Before sleeping I couldn't help but think about what happened earlier but before I could even make a conclusion my tired eyes shut down and I slept like a baby beside my cat that night.

  - E N D -

How's everybody doing?

Hope y'all are safe especially from the CoronaVirus!Wash your hands and stay at home!Take advantage of this quarantine and bond with your family!

Stay healthy and happy and play Animal Crossing New Horizons;)


The Bad Genius [ Karma X Reader] FanficシWhere stories live. Discover now