《One for all》ch.10

ابدأ من البداية

Izuku POV

I was going to get izaka so we can go talk to all might but I couldn't find her. I heard yelling from a area a little from where I was. 'That sounds like izaka!' I saw glowing from the dark area. Then I saw kacchan move back. I walked closer then heard someone yell, "DONT YOU DARE SAY ANYING ABOUT IZUKU! I AM NOT LYING! AND IF YOU DONT BELIEVE ME, THEN DONT! I JUST RECEIVED THIS QUIRK JUST LIKE IZUKU-"

'Izaka!? What's happening?'

I hid behind a wall and listened in. "Received?" Kacchan said. "You say anything else, kacchan... I am not afraid to fight you. I will work hard to beat you and anyone else that dares to harm me or izuku. With my quirk." I hid behind the wall as I saw izaka go to the class.

'What just happened. Did kacchan yell at izaka for showing her quirk? I'll have to talk to him later.'

Izaka POV

Class ended and we headed to the locker room to change. "Hey girls...." I said. "Yeah?" They all turned to me. "Do you think... someone might hate me for just using my quirk now?" I asked. "What? Of course not! If you just realized it then theres no reason to blame you!" Mina cheered me up while the girls agreed. "Oh.. ok... thanks guys." I put on continued taking off my costume and jirou caught our attention.

"Guys, I found a hole, I think it leads to the boys locker room.." she used her earphone jacks to hear what they're saying. "Mineta is talking about us! He's gonna look through the hole." She took her other earphone jack and poked mineta's eye from the other side.

"How disrespectful. We'll have that hole closed up asap." Momo said. "For sure." I agreed.


Me and izuku were walking to the lounge room so we can talk with all might till izuku broke the silence and asked, "izaka... what were you and kacchan fighting about?" I looked down and clenched my fist. "He yelled at me for hiding my quirk and I tried to convince him I wasn't lying but he just kept shouting then insulted you. I got kinda mad and punched him in the face with my quirk."

Izuku raised his eyebrows at me, "I'm not angry at him for being mad. I understand that he's pissed because he thinks i lied. But i only got mad at him because he insulted you. I'll probably go apologize soon but not the part where he insulted you though." Izuku nodded and we arrived at the lounge room. We opened the door and walked in. We sat down in front of him and listened to what he needed to say.

(I wont type in the whole conversation so I'll put the video here so you can understand what happened, *imagine izaka is there with him*)

After that me and went home and took the rest of the day off.

~ time skip to the next day ~

Me and izuku made it to class and mr. Aizawa told us about our final exams.  One written exam that will be 3 days long and a practical exam.

After we took our midterms, we had a week to prepare for the written exams. Most kids needed lots of help so momo suggested to help anyone who needed it. I was already ready for these exams since day one.


Time went by and me and izuku have been training for the practical exam and he's been studying for the writing one.

◇Izuku's evil twin sister◇ (Bakugouxreader) *DISCONTINUED*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن