Everything Has Changed

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Oliver opened the door for Barry to his, apparently their, penthouse apartment in Star City, where they'd been attacked by Vandal Savage only a couple hours earlier. Before I messed everything up, Barry thought.
The room almost looked identical aside from a table where liquor had been before and now it was filled with photographs. One of a younger Oliver before the island with his father, mother and Thea. Right next to that photo a very young Barry smiled on a photograph with both his parents. He sighed. "I could turn myself into the friggin Green Arrows husband, but I couldn't save my mom... again." Barry teared up looking at his mother in the photograph.
"Barry, some things want to happen and there's nothing we can do about it. You just have to surround yourself with people who gives you happy moments to make up for all the bad ones." Oliver said with his most comforting voice. Barry looked up from the photograph and met Oliver's gaze. Usually he was the one who picked his friends up with pep-talks.
"I guess... I just thought that if I ever were to create my own timeline, my mother would be alive." A tear rolled down Barry's cheek and Oliver pulled him into his arms and hugged him. "This really is a new timeline." Barry was feeling slightly better again with Oliver's strong arms wrapped around him. "So I never hugged you in that other timeline?" Oliver asked as he released Barry from the his embrace.
"No, I bet you'd be like 'I'm not really a hugger' right now if I tried to hug you." Barry said while smiling.
Then Oliver wrapped his arms around Barry again. "He, well other me, don't know what he's missing." Barry laughed and then Oliver released him from the hug again. Barry's smile faded when he realized that he had to be honest with Oliver.
"You know I'm gonna have to restore the timeline though right?" Barry said and Oliver's smile faded. "I was once warned that my speed and changing time could have dangerous consequences on the timeline." Barry continues as he walks around the room and suddenly a framed picture on the wall in the living room caught his eye. Himself and Oliver were both wearing suits and smiled while looking at each other. "Is this from our wedding?" Barry asked. Oliver walked up to him. "Yeah. But I was thinking of what you just said and if changing the timeline is so dangerous why are you still here? Why do you play along?" He asked. Barry didn't expect that question. Thinking about the answer caused him to blush.
"Because I don't want to lose you. I mean I don't want to lose us." Barry said. The words just slipped out of his mouth before he could stop them. "Because in the real timeline I've had a huge crush on you since we first met, but you've never seen me as more than a friend, sometimes barely a friend." Barry rambled quickly. He couldn't believe he actually admitted his feelings for Oliver out loud. To his face. Even if it wasn't the exact same Ollie he knew.
"I must be a real fool in that timeline." Oliver said and gently caressed Barry's cheek with the back of his hand. Barry could imagine his face was as red as his supersuit when Oliver was showing him that kind of affection.
"I know you have to restore all of this, but before you do, Barry, would you want to spend the night with me?" Oliver asked and Barry's jaw hit the floor.

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